You and Me in Paradise - Cliff Burton (METALLICA)

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Cliff's POV:
We were stuck in the bus. Arriving home from touring. I made (Y/N) tag along too. Everyone was pretty tired, traveling everywhere in the US. We're just waiting to go home.

"Cliff, you left your cigarette box at the table again!" I heard Lars complained.
I sighed and picked it up.
I went back to the bunks. (Y/N) was in mine, asleep. I kissed their head as I grabbed the lighter that was on top of the table near them. I went back to the front of the bus, where James and Kirk were.
"Cliff, you ready to finally get home?" James asked.

He and Kirk were playing Scrabble on the coffee table. From the looks of it, Kirk wasn't doing so good.

"Hell yeah I am."
I took a cigarette out it's box and tossed it on  the end of the couch that was behind James. I lit the cigarette and put it my mouth, then putting the lighter in my pocket. After a couple of drags, I went and sat by Kirk, seeing if I could help him.
"I got a shitty selection," he said.
I looked at them. He had Z, X, R, O, Q, L,  and T. From the looks on the board, it was mainly filled with profanity and random crap. I took another drag from my cigarette and figured it out.
"Put the Z  above the end of E of the word 'hoe' and put R, and O under the E. Then you got 'zero'."
Kirk did just that and was able to get above James' points.
"Shit," James cursed, as he had to exchange a letter.

I heard footsteps coming behind me. Might be Lars.
"Evenin' Sleeping Beauty," James called out to the person behind me.
I turned around to see it was (Y/N). They still looked pretty tired. They sat behind me, wrapping their arms around my chest.
"Are we almost home?" they mumbled.
"Nah. Got a couple states to go through," Lars replied, from no where. He eventually brought himself to the room as well and sat on the couch near James.
"Dude, you're losing," he said as he looked at the piece of paper with the score.
"Shut up. I know that dumbass."
"You hungry, love? It's almost dinner time," I whispered.
"No," they replied with a yawn.
I grabbed one of their hands that was on my chest and kissed it.
"'M'kay. Just let me know and I'll warm you up something."
They didn't say anything, well, nothing I could understand.

We watched the game go on, which felt like forever. Every now and then, I turned to see (Y/N), who was drifting in and out of sleep.
"FUCK!" James yelled, flipping the board and made the pieces hit the floor, which had made (Y/N) jump a bit.
Lars and Kirk laughed, the score was 112-101. Kirk had won. They would continue playing but it felt like it was going on for hours.
"WOO YEAH!" Lars yelled, giving Kirk a high five, which, James then elbowed him in the gut.
Kirk had bursted out laughing. I smiled at James.
"So close, but yet, so far."
"Cliff, better watch your fucking mouth or you're next."
I put my cigarette out and started picking up the pieces near me. (Y/N) let go of me and started helping me too. James got calmer and reassured them that he'd pick it up instead. That old BFG (Big Friendly Giant if you didn't know). After we put the stuff away in the box, James turned on the tv. The first thing that came up was the music video for "Looks That Kill" by Mötley Crüe.

"Ughh. I hear that shit too much on the radio station," Lars complained.
It was true. They were the one's getting glam rock popular again. The new thing after KISS.
"Turn that shit off. Put some cartons or something."

I chuckled at this. (Y/N) sat on my lap, which made me hold them. I stroke their arm gently. James continued to go through channels until he found one that was playing The Flintstones. Kirk laughed when one of the characters, Bam Bam, came on screen.
"You know, Lars kinda reminds me of him!" Kirk laughed.
James smiled and as Lars, of course, was displeased.
"Oh yeah, you're like that damn dino. Stupid."
Not long until this turned to an argument, of insults and shit, which I know they don't mean but gets very annoying. James laughed the whole time.
I didn't want hear any of this shit, nor did I think (Y/N) want to hear it either. I picked them up, and I walked us to the bunks at the back of the bus. I put (Y/N) down, sitting upright on mine. I then sat next to them. They still seemed out of it.

"Want me make you something before you go back to sleep? I don't want you to go to bed on an empty stomach."
They mumbled.
"What was that love?"
I frowned a bit.
"C'mon. You know that's not enough."
They thought of it for a moment, staring at the wall.
"And an apple."

I sighed as I got up. That's still not enough, but they're probably not that hungry. I won't force them to eat though. I went to the middle of the bus, where the table and mini kitchen were. I could still hear Lars and Kirk still fighting. I went and grabbed a paper plate from the counter and the crackers from the cabinet. I put only a little bit on the plate before putting the box back in the cabinet. I opened the fridge and grabbed the last apple that was left. We'll get more at our next stop. I put the apple in the plate and went to back of the bus. (Y/N) was picking at their nails. I cleared my throat, to let them know I was there. They looked at me, with tired eyes. There were bags under them. That's why they were asleep most of today. The day before, well almost every day since we were heading back, they had trouble sleeping since they been trying to root us on during this tour. Poor thing.

I sat next to them, giving them the plate of food. They thanked me and began nibbling the crackers. I played with their hair as they did. It was always so soft to me.
"When we get home," I began, gliding my fingers down their hair. "I'm gonna spend all my time with you. I want us both to relax. This trip has been taking a toll on the both us. So that's what'll do."

They simply nodded. When they were finished, I took the plate to the the trash bin near Lars' bed. It's always there due to his many hangovers. I went back to the bed and laid down, pulling (Y/N) with me. They nuzzled their head under the crook of my neck. We both ended up, slowly drifting away to sleep.

Ah yes. Another story taken place in a tour bus. To be fair, I don't see a lot of stories taken here. Mainly at a studio, bedroom, or some place else. Oh well.
🥀Rest in peace, Cliff Burton🥀
Title Credit: Phil Collins "Another Day in Paradise"

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