Play That Funky Music - Jim Root #4 (SLIPKNOT)

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Jim's POV:
Today, got nothing to do. We just released "The Subliminal Verses". More in likely not gonna have much free time in a while. We're going on tour next week. Great. Anyways, I'm in the studio today. Not recording, just jamming. Me and Mick having our usual jam sessions. Paul even joined us too. No one else was at the studio besides us and my partner (Y/N), well, more in likely. They got the day off today so they decided to just hanging out with us three. They've been watching us play for about an hour now. Then, I got an idea. 

We were in the middle of doing "Surfacing", but I made sure to purposely mess up.
"The hell man?!"
"Is everything good?" Paul asked.
I nodded. I glanced at (Y/N) who was sitting on the couch not too far from us.
"Hey you, get over here."
With a bit of confusion written all over their face, they went towards us.
I got up from my chair and made them sit in it.
"What the hell are you doing?" Mick asked.
They were all confused. I then gave (Y/N) my guitar. They just stared at me, lost. I chuckled.
"Can you play?" I asked.
"You ask them after they have the guitar in their hands? That's fucking stupid."
"Shut up Mick!"
They stared at the guitar for a while.
"I'll try. I haven't played in years."

They began to strum "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears For Fears. It actually sounded really well. Just, metal-y. Is that a word? Fuck it, I don't care. I heard Paul humming with it. They finished it about halfway through it.

"Can you play anything else?" Mick asked.
They started to play a variety of songs. Van Halen's cover of "You Really Got Me", Michael Jackson's "Beat it", Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" and "Sweet Leaf", and so much more. We were all pretty shocked.

"Damn," I said, taking the guitar back.
They were really good.
"How long have you been playing? That was pretty fucking sick!"
They shrugged.
"I don't know. Maybe since high school."
"You don't even remember?" Mick asked.
I'm pretty impressed. Didn't know they had it in them. It got a bit quiet and to piss everybody off, I started to play Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven".

Paul got up and stopped me.
"No stairway, DENIED!"
"Did I hear a Wayne's World reference?" Sid asked, popping from the corner of the doorway.
"Sid? How long were you here?" (Y/N) asked.
"I've been here! I've been watching movies in the green room!"
Sid walked towards us. He saw Paul holding my guitar.
"Uhh, what's going on?"
"That jackass over there was playing 'Stairway'!" Mick said, stroking his beard.
Sid then punched my arm.
"Ow! The fuck?"
"Everybody knows the 'Stairway Rule'. Am I right (Y/N)?"
They nodded.
"Damn right."
He then punched me again.
"Sid, I'll kick your ass if you fuckin punch me again."
"Ooo! Scary!"
He sat on the couch where Mick was. I swear to God Sid is going to be the end of me.

"Can I play something?" Sid asked, reaching for my guitar from Paul.
When he got close, I took it from Paul. I stared at him.
"Pleeeeeease?" he begged.
(Y/N) looked at me.
"Come on James. Let him try."
I sighed. I gave him the guitar. He was rather lucky this time. He sat there for a moment, trying to figure out what to play. He then began to play the main theme from Star Wars. Not really surprising. He's really into that sci-fi stuff. I mean, I am too with like Star Wars, but man. He knows everything between Star Wars, Star Trek, Transformers, Alien, you know that kinda stuff. He then played "The Imperial March".

"Luke, I am your father!" Mick said in a deep voice, trying to match Vader's.
"NOOOOOO!" Both Paul in (Y/N) said together.
I then got up on top of a chair.
"You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!!"
(Y/N) went and dropped to the floor.
We all started to laugh our asses off. Sid was laughing so much that he almost lost balance of my guitar and almost dropped it. I'm surprised they knew that part.

A couple hours past. Just us five goofing around, quoting movies, jamming. It was pretty fun. Around 5, me and (Y/N) decided to leave. We both got into my car and headed home.
"Had fun?" I asked as we waited at the the stop light.
"Yeah, my fingers hurt a bit. Haven't played that much guitar in a while."
"I hear ya," I said with a chuckle.
I grabbed one of their hands and kissed their fingers.
"Better now?"

Closer to the end of story was totally not based off of me nerding out on a regular basis. Absolutely not. Shhh
Title Credit: Wild Cherry "Play That Funky Music"

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