Hug Me - Brian "Head" Welch (KORN)

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Your POV:
I just got off of work. I was pissed because my manager was overwhelming me with shit. I was going to go home...but remembered Brian was probably at the studio or at Jon's.
I went to check the studio... bone empty. Jon's it was then. I drove to Jon's place... I pray to God they're not doing anything stupid. Well... Brian more than anything really.

Brian's POV:
"Shit... I'm bleeding again," I said looking at my fingers.
"You have your strings in there too tight man. Gotta loose them a bit, not too much though,"
James put his guitar down and looked at my fingers.
"Jon!" I yelled out.
Jonathan was in the kitchen talking to Reg and David.
He stopped talking and looked at me.
"Dude...I'm talking. Wait."
He then went back to talking to them again. I wasn't gonna give up.
"JONATHAN!!!" I yelled out.
"Where are your bandages? I fucked up again."
He sighed and waved his hand.
"In the bathroom medicine cabinet. Now fuck off."
And I did, for now at least.

I went to the bathroom, grabbing a bandage wrap and wrapped around my fingers. Thankfully, it wasn't too too bad. I went back to the living room with Munky. He was fixing my strings.
"Thank youuuu."
He chuckled as he continued what he was doing. I heard the front door open in close. Then, (Y/N) walked into the living room.

Your POV:
"Hey guys," I mumbled a bit.
Brian ran to me, giving me a hug. When he pulled away, I saw the bandages on his fingers. I looked at him and sighed.
"The hell did you do this time?"
"Nothing. He had his strings too tight and was playing and ended up like that," Munky said, who seemed to be fixing Brian's guitar.
"So, how was your day??" Brian beamed.
I sighed and walked to couch that was behind Munky.

I turned to see Jon, Reg, and David laughing and talking.
"Hello asshats," I called to them.
Reg chuckled and David waved. Jonathan looked at me and began to speak.
"That thing of yours," referring to Bri, "been on one all day."
I looked at Brian.
"Was this before of after you fucked up your fingers?" I asked him.
"Both!" Reg called out.
He only chuckled and sat next to me.
"Hey, I wouldn't be me without doing so."
"He has a point," James smiled.
I sighed playfully at his response and rubbed my head.
"What are we ever going to do with you?"
"Make him join the circus!" Jonathan called out, which Brian flipped him off.
Brian then turned to me.

"You didn't answer my question from earlier...meaning...something's up isn't it?"
I sighed.
"Yeah. My boss being a dictator."
He frowned a bit, looking at the bags under my eyes.
"You've been working overtime again? Haven't you?"
I sighed, not bothering to answer him.
"(Y/N), we talked about this..."
"Bri...not now please," I continued to rub me head.
It was quiet except for Jon and them talking. Out of the blue, Brian brought me close to him, hugging me. He felt so warm and nice.
"Really?" I asked.
"You look like you need one bae."
I smiled at him.
"Whatever you goof."

Title Credit: Pharrell Williams, Trey Parker "Hug Me"

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