2. Convinced

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Tony's POV:

"Hi y/n, I'm Tony Stark"

The phone fell silent and for a good reason, who doesn't love me.

"Hi Mr Stark. That's me umm... y/n"

"Yeah I know, I got most of your information from your supervisor or whatever you call him."

"Oh, umm, is there anything you needed from me mr stark?

"Yeah, I took a look at your records and you graduated at the top of your class. I want you to come work for me at stark industries."

The phone fell silent again

"Look y/n, I know I'm Tony Stark but I'm gonna be needing an answer, if not there were some other candidates"

"No wait, I just... my friend max, he loves you and he loves iron man and I don't know if he'd kill me for saying yes or if he'd love me. I've been friends with max since freshman year of high school I don't wanna lose him."

"I understand, max didn't do all that well compared to you and others but speaking from a personal stand point, I think he'd love you more for it, tell you what, you say yes and I will give max a little visit. How's that sound?"

"Wow mr stark, I'm sold, I would love to work for your company, there's just one thing I need to ask if that's okay."

"Yeah shoot"

"Why would you want a new graduate with no experience to work for your legal department when there are so many experienced workers that would probably work better for you?"

"Good question, my answer, I've always been one for giving people chances and I figured I should give someone with a dream a chance at fulfilling that dream."

"Okay then Mr. Stark, I'll do it, I'll work for you."

"Great, can you start tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes of course I'd be glad to."

"Perfect. I assume you know where HQ is located?"

"Yeah, I know my way there."

"Great, I Hope to see you tomorrow y/n, you start at 9AM."

"And you sir, thank you."

I hung up the phone and called a meeting with the avengers to talk about the new recruit. Sort of.

Once everyone arrived I began to speak. 

"So, I told you all that I would be choosing a graduate for our legal department and I have chosen someone. This someone may eventually be apart of the avengers. They don't have anything special or anything but something tells me we could use them."

"Yes because we should all trust Tony's intuition huh..." Steve blurts out.

"Listen capsicle, I can admit ultron was a big fuck up bu-"

"LANGUAGE" Natasha cuts me off and points at Steve and he turns his head giving her a death glare.

"You're right, sorry dad can I continue?" I get nods from the two children.

"Great so, I may be inviting her over to the tower every once in a while to test her potential so everyone, when the time comes, play along. First I'm gonna just keep her at the actual building and see how she works there and when I see she's been a good employee, she's coming over. Got it?"

I get nods from everyone and call the meeting over, no one thought much of it but after spending all this time with these people I could tell some of them didn't like the idea. Truth be told I didn't just look into her school records, I managed to get into her general records. I knew she could read minds, I didn't need her to know that I knew. I didn't lie to her, she was at the top of her class but she wasn't the best candidate, I just needed her anyway.

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