24. Three Months

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Last night was amazing. Apart from the arguing with her old friends, of course. Y/n meant what she said. We got home and she very quickly went to her room and transferred her items from her room to mine. Ours. I've never been too keen on sharing but with Y/n, it's all I want to do.

I felt a little weird at first, liking Y/n. It scared me because I knew near to nothing about her. But this is one of the greatest things I've ever experienced. It's hard to get away from what you've been taught. The Red Room was always right. As much as I hated to admit it, I never could find a flaw with their logic, other than the whole torture and kidnapping thing, but this was it. Love isn't for children, love isn't for everyone but me, love is special, but it doesn't make a person special. Dreykov was wrong. That feels good to say.

All of this brings me to now. The girl I love, laying next to me in our bed, in our room.


"Yes, honey?"

"Turn your alarm off." I didn't even notice that I hadn't turned it off.

"Yeah, my bad." I say as I reach over to the nightstand that had my phone and turned off the alarm.

"Why is your alarm set so early?"

"I've got training with Steve today."

"It's five in the morning..."

"Exactly, I've gotta get up."

"No, stay in bed."

"I can't, Steve'll be waiting."

"Ugh fine, go."

She mumbles something as she rolls over and I get out of bed, putting on some workout clothes to train. Once I'm properly dressed, I head down to the training room where I find Steve waiting.

"Ready Romanoff?"

"To beat your ass? Absolutely. Oh, sorry, forgot to watch my language."

"You know what Romanoff?"


Y/N's POV:

I can't sleep anymore, I'm just awake now. I love Natasha but if this is a daily occurrence, I'm gonna be a little upset. Since I can't sleep, I figured I'd get up and actually start my day. I started with a shower, then with a towel wrapped around my body, I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, did my skincare, and got dressed.

I decided that I'd make some breakfast. The team seems to like eggs and pancakes so I'll make some of each and let everyone choose what they want to eat. I went downstairs and remembering that Nat and Steve were training, I decided to go down and ask them if they were alright with the food options or if they wanted something else to eat.

I went to the training room, which is mostly on the way to the kitchen, and watched and Steve and Nat fought. Steve throws hooks at Natasha as she finds different ways to block them and hit Steve's side. She'd obviously win this fight. I watch as they both start to get a little tired for this round and call it, starting their rest period.

"Natasha would beat your ass any day Steve." Steve shoots his neck towards Natasha who only smirks at me.


"Don't you know Y/n?"

"Know what?"


"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk."

Love and Hate| Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now