20. Multiversal Threat

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"Alright listen up." Fury says, standing in front of us all the fucking dad he should be. "What we have here, is a multiversal threat. After sending Barnes out to find out who, rather what, planted the bomb that hit Y/n, he managed to follow it to what seems to be an old military base, we think its HYDRA."

S: "Well if it's HYDRA, what do we do?" Steve replies, obviously worried.

F: "We deal with them as we usually do. The only problem is that we're going to need our most powerful teammates on this, that's you Y/n and Wanda, I've even called in a special favor, Dr. Stephen Strange and Wong, the sorcerer supreme will be helping out."

W: "So, what exactly are me and Y/n gonna do? What kind of multiversal threat are we dealing with? What are its powers?"

F: "We're dealing with a being who can travel the multiverse, they've been destroying different worlds for HYDRA, coming back with some pretty powerful people for HYDRA to either test on or if they're really useful, then HYDRA will save them, use them as their new weapon."

N: "What do the rest of us do?"

F: "The rest of you will be on call, I don't care how boring it is, we might need medical help, we might even need a little snack break if their powers take too much energy from them. If HYDRA gets what they want, they could destroy the whole multiverse and we can't have that."

Fury takes time to go over our game plan. This guy's good, powerful. Honestly, I'm even a little afraid. We won't always win, that's a chance we have to deal with though. He can warp reality, he can manipulate objects, he can even take over people's minds. It sounds just like what Y/n and Wanda can do and honestly I think it is. Chaos magic, it wasn't easy dealing with Wanda when she was first introduced to us and even then, she hardly knew how to use her powers.

The mission would be this weekend, we couldn't let this guy get away. I know I shouldn't be scared, especially with how long the two have had their powers, but, I just couldn't get my mind off of it. Something was gonna happen. I can feel it. I'm never wrong.



"So, y/n, are you excited?" I ask her, fully knowing the answer.


"Oh come on, you're not gonna die, you've been using your powers for years and you've been doing amazingly during our training sessions. You're gonna do amazing y/n."

"We're dealing with a fucking multiversal threat, Wanda. That thing can warp reality, IT CAN TURN ME INTO FUCKING SPAGHETTI!"

"Y/n, I swear, it won't turn you into spaghetti. Now, if you'd like, we can go right back to the training room and train your powers more."

"Can we, please?"

"Of course. Come on."

We went down to the training room and trained her powers. I don't know why she's so worried, she's learning much quicker than I did, in fact she's already almost as good as me with her powers.

While y/n stood in the corner with her eyes closed, I placed cups and random items that don't belong in this room, everywhere. Her goal, to use her magic to move the displaced items and place them all in a line on the bench in the side of the room. Once they were all misplaced, she turns around and begins to successfully move them onto the bench, perfectly lined up.

"See, there's absolutely nothing to worry about, y/n. Plus, you'll have me, Strange, and Wong, the fucking sorcerer supreme, by your side. We got you, okay?"

"Okay, is this an overnight mission?"

"Honestly, I have no idea how long this mission is, it could go for hours, days, weeks, even months. It really depends on how relentless this guy is. I suggest you pack some stuff, maybe some extra clothes, bring overnight stuff just in case, even though I don't think we're gonna need it."

"Alright, I'll pack."




Today's the day. I'm terrified. Not only am I most likely gonna die today, I'm gonna have to actually try to take someone down, probably murder whatever this being is, then proceed to just live as if I didn't just do something so life threatening. I've done all the prep needed, I've said goodbye to everyone except Nat, and I'll be damned if I leave without saying goodbye.

"Nat?" I knock on her door and she rushes to open it.

"Don't go..." Her eyes are watery, something I haven't seen before, something only Clint has ever experienced.

"I'm sorry, I don't wanna go, I'm beyond terrified but Wanda says I'll be okay, I trust Wanda., you should too."

"You, you and Clint, you're the only ones I trust."

"Then trust me. I'll be back, I promise."

Y/n, I swear, if you don't come back, I will kill you."

"I promise, Nat, I'll come back."

She pulls me in for a hug, I hug back, giving her body a reassuring squeeze. Letting go, we look into each other's eyes before I pull her in for a kiss. It was desperate but not full of lust. It's as if it were gonna be our last.

Our lips finally detached and so did we, ending our hug as we began to walk towards the quinjet together. Nat, along with the rest of the team, stood there, watching as Wanda and I got onto the jet. Strange and Wong decided to meet us at our safe spot.

Wanda and I sit on the Jet, chatting about our expectations for this threat. The more we talked about what this guy would be like, I managed to get both calmer, and more worried. This threat is gonna be the death of me. The death of the universe. The death of the multiverse.

"I'm so happy for you, y/n. Your first mission! That's always exci-"

"GOING DOWN, I REPEAT, WE'RE GOING DOWN!" The pilot screams through the mic, effectively cutting Wanda off.

"Wanda... what the fuck is that?"

"It's the threat... we're starting this fight early, y/n. You better be ready because our fight starts now."


Here we go, back into the action you guys 🤗



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