25. Damnit

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I couldn't sleep. Not after hearing that. Natasha was going away for three months and couldn't even give me a heads up. She just had to tell me the night before. I can't fully tell if Natasha's asleep, part of me thinks she forced herself to due to the early hour she's gotta get up, the other part thinks that she's faking it with her spy skills because she also can't sleep.

The digital clock on the nightstand beeped, 3:00 AM. I'd just moved in here, with her, and I'm about to be alone again. I turned to my side to look at Natasha. Even asleep, she's so damn pretty. I gently tucked her hair behind her ear and took another good look at her before closing my eyes again and managing sleep.

I woke up to the sound of an alarm, Natasha's alarm, set to 8 am.

"Morning." Natasha yawns and stretches.

"Morning Natty." I do the same. "I seriously can't get over your morning voice." I smiled.

"Oh really?" She smirked and pecked my lips. "Why don't you do something about it?"

"Because you're leaving and I'm still mad you didn't give me any notice." I cuddled deeper into her.

"I hope you know how contradicting your words are to your actions." She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"That's because I know I'm gonna miss you. As mad as I am... I wanna milk whatever time I have left with you. How much time is that by the way?"

"Three hours. One to be with you, two to prepare."

"I'm gonna shower fast then." I pecked her lips and tried to get up but her arms around my waist only held me closer against her. "Nat..."

"What? I don't wanna spend a minute of this hour without you."

"So join me then, but I need to shower and we need to get up." I tapped on her arms that wrapped around me to get her to let me go, which she did.

"Join you? Let's go." She grinned and began to get out of bed. We both got up and ran to the shower. Considering the activities of last night the shower was pretty PG but it was still an amazing moment.

Once we got out of the shower and dried ourselves, got ready for the morning, we'd only had about ten minutes left. We got back into bed and cuddled into each other.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Nat..." I whispered, looking up into the captivating orbs of emerald green.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She kissed my forehead and looked back into my eyes.

Time slowed down as we laid there together, our bodies close and hands on each other in such a gentle and comforting way. There was nothing else going on. No TV, no music, no words. Just us. When the time came for her to start getting everything packed and ready to go, she pulled me in for a gentle kiss, her hands cupping my face as every ounce of love we've felt towards each other is put into this kiss.

"I have to go Y/N..." She whispered against my lips, her eyes still flickering between my eyes and lips.

"I know..." I whispered back, running my hands through her hair before pecking her lips softly once more, reluctantly letting her go. "Do you want me to make something for you to eat on the jet?" I asked as she rolled out of bed.

"Oh, yes please. I'm starving and surprised my stomach hasn't gone off like a damn alarm yet." She chuckles and opens up the closet to grab the suitcase and some clothes. I notice her grab one of my hoodies.

"And what's going on there?" I shot her an amused smile and she turned around and showed me something I have really seen before. Pure vulnerability.

"It smells like you." Her tone was so soft, and she let out a visible pout. It felt so unreal to see but at the same time, so loved.

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