13. Parents

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So today's the day I'm talking to my parents for the first time in 3 weeks. I planned to meet them originally at our favorite cafe but we decided on just meeting at their house. I've been living at the tower for 4 days now, it isn't so bad. There is one downfall and that's that even if I'm not technically an avenger, I still have to wake up early as fuck to train, just in case.

Nat's been oddly nice lately but she's also been keeping her distance I think as a way to let me get close to her. I still don't fully trust her but I'd break my heart 1,000 times for that woman so... I might just let her in.

I got ready to go, did my skincare, put on some black ripped jeans with a gray AC/DC shirt on. Then I did my hair and left. The ride isn't too long, just around 10 minutes.

M: "Y/n, honey what have you been up to?"

D: "Yeah, why is April telling us that you moved out?"

M: "And what happened at your graduation party? Had you still been under our roof, you'd be so grounded as soon as you stepped into the house."

Y: "Alright, this is gonna be a really long story, I suggest you get a snack and a drink."

I spent the next few minutes explaining everything from the grad party, to the island, to moving into the tower.

Y: "So...?"

M: "Oh honey... I told your father we should've said no but he just needed the money."

D: "I never knew it would cause this damage."

Y: "Guy, it's okay. I just need you to know that you'll be safe. That's why I agreed to their offer. I wouldn't have say yes if I wasn't sure."

D: "Have you talked to your friends about this?"

Y: "No, they still don't even know I'm enhanced. I'll tell them soon though, I have to now."

M: "Listen, we love you y/n, no matter what happens."

Y: "Thanks mom, dad. I love you guys too. I should probably head back... I've got work today."

D: "Do you still work for Stark?"

Y: "Yeah, he offered me my own office at the tower but I miss Vic and James so, I decided to just keep working at the office."

M: "We'll let you get going then, bye y/n, we love you"

D: "That we do kiddo, see you later y/n."

Y: "Bye mom, bye dad, love you." I hug them each and made my way to the office.


I've been trying to give y/n her space. I don't know what i feel towards her but it really isn't something I'm used to. I'm not sure if it's something I want to get used to. I thought about going down to the office, I know she has work, maybe bringing her some lunch could do her some good. I'll do that. I'll bring her lunch.

I realize that I have no idea what she likes to eat so I decided on a simple ham sandwich, basic yet delicious. I also decided on a Pepsi and just for the healthy part of it all, an apple. I put it all into a plastic bag and drove down to the office. It's about 20 minutes away so it wasn't too far.

As soon as I got there, I went up to level 3 which was y/n's department. One the elevator doors open, I'm met with a loud group of employees sitting in the corner, messing around. I wanted to be mad but they were all laughing, it was kind of sweet considering how boring this job has to be. I got a better look at the corner hooligans and smiled. It was y/n, James, and Vic. I can only assume they know what happened, the events that led to the disappearance, they probably don't wanna see me. I should leave.

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