9. Party time

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Writing y/n's first pov while listening to Colleen's apology vid, let's move on shall we? 

Y/N's POV: 

As soon as I got Tony's text about the party, I texted James and Vic. Obviously, they want to experience the whole Stark Party thing so Vic postponed her party to next week. Stark never said there was a dress code so I decided to go for something just above causal. Gray pants with a white shirt, tucked in, and a gray blazer over it. 

I had the whole day ahead of me but it was my day off so I stayed home and watched movies all day. April was at work so I had the apartment all to myself. Perfection. I let the time pass by and then when 7 pm hit, I got ready. James and Vic planned on getting drunk so I offered to give them rides. I like drinking just not getting drunk, hangovers are the fucking worst. They agreed to let me take them so I got the last of my things and left. First I picked up James then I picked up Vic. 

"Guys, we're going to a Stark party, are we cool now?" James says as soon as Vic opens the door. 

"You? Cool? Absolutely not." Vic retorts. 

"I- wha- y/n come on." 

"Sorry James, gotta agree with Vic on this one."

"What the hell did I do to either of you, and doesn't hanging out with me make you two uncool?"

"We never claimed to be cool, James." Vic smirks while looking at him dead in the eyes. 

"Plus, even if we did claim to be cool, we would be, you're just not cool on your own." 

"Okay, y/n, Vic, you're assholes." 

"We love you too James" I say punching his arm playfully. "Ten minutes 'til we're there, prepare to be 'cool'." 


"James shut it or I won't ever say you're even remotely cool ever again." 

"Okay, fine." 

We just bullshit the next ten minutes until we arrive at the Avengers tower. 

Party time



I'm standing at the bar, praying she got into some accident and couldn't come. Most people are here, they have their drinks, I get to just chill for a bit, I might join in on the actual fun later but for now, I think I need a drink. I get myself straight vodka 'cause why not then just go back to bar duty. That's when she walks in,


She walks in with some co-workers, friends at this point.  Victoria and James, what do they see in y/n that makes them genuinely want to hang out around her? I see them talking then pointing in my direction. Fuck, they're coming to the bar, I really should kill Tony. 

"Evening Ms. Romanoff" Y/n greets, followed with a "hi" and "Hey" from James and Victoria. 

"Good evening, what'll you all have?" I ask, praying it'll be something quick and easy. 

"I'll have a margarita" Victoria says. 

"I'll have a sex on the beach" James says 

"We'll be here a while right guys? I'll have an old fashioned please." y/n says. 

"Alright, 3 drinks, coming up." 

I stand behind the bar making the drinks as the three talk and mess around. From what I can hear, they're absolute idiots together, maybe y/n just makes people stupid, who knows. I make their drinks and put their drinks in front of them. 

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