6. Work, again

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"Y/n, come on."

"James I swear, there's nothing going on between us."

"Nothing going on between you? Come on, you two have been inseparable today."

"Yeah, today, my literal second day of working here."

"Look y/n, I'm just saying, it seems a little odd how close you two are."

"James, be honest now, are you jealous? Afraid she'll take me away from you? Even if it's only my second day here I have to let you know that it's okay to love me James."

"Oh shut it y/l/n, I hardly tolerate you."

"Hey, last time I checked, you chose to sit here." I put my hands up in defense.

"Yeah yeah, I'm aware of my very bad decision."

"Ouch Sanchez, pretending not to love me's only gonna keep me closer."

"Well, then, if it'll get rid of you quicker, I'll stop."

"Lucky for you, my break is over but listen James, you're not getting rid of me anytime soon." I sent him a wink.

"Whatever you say y/n" He chuckles.

I made my way back to my desk where, thankfully, Natasha isn't there. I haven't actually seen her since last night but considering the fact that she doesn't really work here allows me to not overthink it. I was able to get back to work in peace. I'd finished an estimated amount of 78% of work with 3 hours left to my shift, safe to say, I might have time to waste before I actually have to go home.


"Anddddd here she is, hello Victoria"

"How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Vic?"

"Okay, okay, hello Vic." I corrected myself with a hint of sarcasm.

"Watcha up to?"

"Work, you know, what we were hired to do."

"You're right, dumb question, let me ask a better one, wanna head down and have our break together?"

"I would love to Vic, I really would but I just came back from my break."

"Oh that's alright, tomorrow maybe?"

"Sounds like a plan, before you go, guess what James said."

"Oh no, what did the dumbass say." A smile begins to form on her face.

"He seems to think, that in the time span of yesterday and today, we've become something, he says, and I quote 'Come on, you two have been inseparable today.' What a dork right!" I begin to laugh and wait for Vic's response but she's just laughing too.

"Wow, what a dumbass, if anything, you've spent your break with him yesterday and today, are you sure you two don't have anything going on?"

"Oh haha Vic, go to your break before I tell F.R.I.D.A.Y you've been slacking."

"Okay okay, you win" She puts her arms up in defense and begins to walk away.

As I watch her walk away, I see a familiar someone walking towards me. Natasha Romanoff. I have a strong feeling this is going to be interesting.

"Afternoon Ms. Romanoff" I greet trying hard not to smile.

"Afternoon y/n. How's the work going?"

"Two more documents and I'm done."

Love and Hate| Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now