10. Goodbye.

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I left the party, Vic and James can tell me off later I just needed to be alone. It wasn't Just Nat that hurt me, in fact I'd mentioned before that there was something telling me not to budge with her so, I won't. What hurt was finding out that Tony was using me, I really trusted Tony, how could I not? He's Iron Man, the entire world is putting their trust in him. How disappointed would people be if Tony did this to them? It was truly fucked up.  

I was zoned out for a good while on the car ride home... I didn't even notice that I was on the wrong lane. I didn't even notice when an eighteen wheeler was headed my way. I hardly noticed when everything went dark. 



I wasn't able to sleep last night. Tony and Fury are gonna be pissed. She's gonna quit and go under the radar. If she's not with the Avengers, if she's not with S.H.I.E.L.D, she's a potential threat. I'm letting a threat get away. This is gonna be a long day. 

I get out of bed, do what I need to do, then go down for breakfast. 

"Romanoff." I hear Steve call before I could even start gathering ingredients for a sandwich. 


"I'm sorry." 

"Sorry for what?" 

"You didn't hear..." 

"Hear what, Rogers?" 

"Y/n, she's in the hospital, might not make it." 


"Yeah, last night she left the party and she got in a really bad wreck, an 18 wheeler hit her car, full speed."

"Which hospital?" 

"They drove her to the closest one, you know the hospital a few streets down, giant blue building?" 

"Yeah, I know that one, and you're sure she's there?" 

"Yeah, Tony went and visited earlier." 

"I'll see you later Steve." 

"Told you you cared Romanoff!" He yells as I run to the garage. 

I get into my car and I begin to drive to the hospital, it's a quick drive, 15 minutes. I sat in silence, no music, no nothing. Once I got there I took a second and just sat there, breathing in and out, preparing. I finally got out of the car and made my way inside. I talked to the receptionist and she let me know what floor and room she was in. I got to her door and hesitated but still went in. 

"No fucking way. NATASHA ROMANOFF?!?" A random dude yells. 

"APRIL." A random woman yells. 

"I FUCKING KNOW!" A woman, April, I'm assuming, yells. 


"Yeah... who are you all? 

"I'm Zayn." The first man introduces 

"I'm Michelle." The first woman says. 

"I'm April." And I was right. 

"I'm Max" 

(Now that intros are out of the way, I'm gonna do the initial thing again)

N: "Okay, so why are you all here?"

A: "Oh, we're y/n's friends, as her roommate I was the first person her parents called when they found out, I just had to tell everyone else what happened." 

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