7. Certainly something

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Wednesday. Awful days, I hate them more than Mondays. They're filler days and they're boring when Monday comes you're at least preparing yourself for the week. By Wednesday, you just want it to be Friday.

"Romanoff, we've got a mission today, you remember, right?" Steve reminds me as I walk to the kitchen for some breakfast.

"How could I forget my job, Rogers?"

"A little early for the sarcasm, don't you think?"

"Early? Never."

"I'll never understand you Romanoff." He gives me a smile.

"No one ever said you have to." I give him a smile back.

"So, y/n say anything about the offer?"

"She says unless I can change her life drastically, she thinks she has a good reason not to join."

"The mind reading, huh."


"I don't get why we can't just tell her we know, everyone else on this team was recruited in such a straightforward way, why is she different?"

"Because she actually has people in her life, Steve, that's the exact reason she gave and it's the exact reason this isn't straightforward."

"So, everything that happened during the dinner was all a charade?"

"Damn right Steve. I still don't see why we need anyone else, her."

"So what all that thinking you did around her in the last two days was just to trick her?"

"And Wanda, I know she's my best friend and all but sometimes she can get ahead of herself and we didn't need y/n being scared off."

"So every thought Wanda heard, from your point of view, was all fake."

"Yes, one hundred percent. I was trained to gather information, Steve, this isn't anything new, I'm allowed to not like someone."

"Never said you weren't allowed, people usually just have a reason for hatred."

"Yeah well, I wouldn't consider any of this freak show 'people', so whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep through the night."

"Yeah yeah, get ready for your mission."

"I spent too much time talking with you old man, if I don't have enough time to eat after I get ready, I'll use you as bait during the mission."

"Understood." He lets out a light chuckle.

I went up to my room and began to get ready for the mission. I meant what I said, I still don't like y/l/n. I don't know what it is but she just drives me insane, makes me wanna pull out my gun and pull the trigger right in her direction. Either way, it's not y/n day and it's not time for me to be focusing on her. I finished getting ready and have around twenty five minutes to waste, Steve got lucky. I made my breakfast and ate it within the waiting period then made my way to the rest of the team who were waiting to get onto the quinjet. A whole two days without y/n. Thank God.


Y/N's POV:

Tony wasn't at work today, it had to have been Avengers related. It also meant I had to go two days without Natasha, not that I'm complaining but like... a little. Anyways, I'm back at work, shift has just started, I already wanna go home but hey, at least I got James and Vic. Speaking of...




"What Jamesssss"

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