8. Mission- day 2

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"I've got eyes on the target, Steve, he's heading your way." I announce through comms.

"Are we looking at the enhanced or the one loaded with weapons?"


"Copy that."

I continued to watch the target as he slowly made his way around the corner to where Steve was hiding. He disappeared and not five second later, I hear grunts coming from both Steve and the target through the comms. I like being an Avenger, don't get me wrong, good team, good fights, the chance to wipe the red off my ledger. However, the missions can be absolute shit sometimes. This is one of them, where I just sit and scout like it isn't Sam's job.

Since Steve was taking care of the enhanced individual, and Tony was taking care of the one with weapons, seems unfair, I know. My job was kind of done for the day. Yesterday we got the rest of the missing information and today, we handle business. I was able to take the rest of this time and just think. As if I didn't hate being on this mission enough, it's y/n that comes to mind first. Why. Why can I not get her out of my fucking head. It's becoming a real problem. Everything about her is so... how do I put this, awful. Her annoying voice, her punchable face, her cockiness, which, she has way too much of.

"Romanoff, do you copy?!" Steve yells, breaking me out of that mental prison.

"Shit, yeah, what's wrong Steve?"

"Nothing, we've finished, we're going back to New York in like an hour, you not answering just scared us a bit."

"Right, I'll uh, start heading back to our meet up spot."

"Are you okay Romanoff?"

"Never better Steve."

"Is this about y/l/n."


"What? I'm allowed to ask."

"And I'm allowed to not answer."

"Okay, whatever you say."

I don't bother saying anything else, that fossil just makes shit hard sometimes. I walked back to our meetup spot and slowly, the rest of the team makes it and we begin to make our way to the quinjet again. Going home, to New York, to my home, to my comfort. To familiarity.

To y/n. fuck.



It's 9:45, Thursday morning. Tony hardly gave me any work today, though he did respond to my email. Oddly enough, he mentioned Natasha. The email read,

Oh y/l/nnnnnn

Just get it in before Friday next week, I'm not the most familiar with how all that legal stuff works but I'm sure a week should be plenty, if I'm totally off (It's rare for me to be wrong), then let me know and if I don't fire you (kidding), I'll give you extra time. By the way, I think Natasha wants to talk to you cuz she's been really distracted all throughout the mission and occasionally, we hear her mutter your name so... Help her stop going insane, thanks.

Tony Stark, still your favorite boss.

So, that was definitely... interesting.

I figured I'd start on the work he gave me for today, then, when I was all finished with that, or at least what I could get done, I began on the "preview". It was simple, really. The documents before took around 4 and a half hours to get done, this only took about 1 hour so it was a pretty chill day. Tony gave everyone the day off tomorrow on account of he was throwing a party... again.



"You're still coming to that party, right?"


"No, Vic's, the house party."

"Oh shit, right, yes, tomorrow, I'm still going."

"Good, how has it been 4 days and yet Vic still managed to know you were gonna forget."

"Wow, am I really THAT predictable..."

"I guess so, now get your ass down to the lobby, it's lunch and me and Vic are hungry."

"Okay, okay, let me just finish this document, just one last thing to write and I'm done."

"Fine. Hurry. Vic and I will be downstairs, at out spot."

"Fine but don't you dare start without me."

He turns back around and flips me off, I, of course, do it back. Then I finish up everything I could do on that document and made my way down to the lobby.

The fuckers started without me.


The ride back was pretty boring, it was Steve, Tony, and me so you can imagine, it would either be dead silent, or 5 hours of pure arguments ranging from Steve's time to Tony's. We exit the quinjet and make our way back to our rooms. I sat there silently, thinking. Tony's party is tomorrow so I figured I'd get the outfit ready now. I play some music in the background and make my way towards my closet. I decided on a nice white shirt with a decently long skirt and black heels to go with it. (Think of her fit in Tony's party from Ultron).

I begin to make my way downstairs for some lunch, a pb&j sounds good right about now but before I could get to the elevator Tony stopped me.

"Romanoff, prepare to love me."

"Tony, what the hell did you do?" I ask, disappointment being shown in my tone of speaking.

"I invited her and her buds to the party tomorrow."


"Who is 'her'?" I know who "her" is I just really want to be wrong, for once.

"Please Romanoff, HER, your lady boner or whatever you've got for her. y/l/n, I invited her."

"Why exactly would you do that?"

"Because, not only am I hoping the atmosphere will convince her to take the job, I'm also hoping to finally get you somewhere with her because you've been moody and probably need to get laid."

"Of course, how professional of you, boss."

"So? Any special words for your favorite tincan?"

"Embracing the nickname isn't gonna make me say thank you. If y/n is coming, then I'm not."

"What is it with you Natasha? What about y/n pisses you off so much that you can't even stand the thought of her being at my party, probably not even interacting with you."

"I just-" I took a second to think about it as he gives me a judgy ass look. "Okay, I don't know." I sigh. "Every time I see her it's like I wanna punch her in the face then drop her to the floor and leave her gasping for air."

"Wow Romanoff that's quite interesting, well, get ready because this party has become mandatory for you and y/n is gonna come, watch."

"You're an ass, Tincan."

"Your favorite ass!" He yells as he walks away and I can finally make my way down to lunch. I should probably kill Tony at some point just for his big ass ego but, Steve wouldn't like that too much. He might. I'll think about it.

Love and Hate| Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now