3. Day one

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Y/N's POV:
I walked back to my desk trying as little as possible to look at the woman behind me. I was tempted to read her mind but two things stopped me. 1. It felt especially wrong to go through her mind, do I know why? No. But it just felt worse than others. 2. She's Natasha Romanoff. Black widow. She was trained for shit like this and the chances of me getting in without her noticing like with most people, was extremely low.

We arrived at my desk and I sat down as she pulled a chair next to me. For someone who's very distant she was uncomfortably close to me, I'm talking leg to leg contact. I signed in on the computer and got to work. It was all going smooth but no matter how morning my job was, for other people at least, she didn't fail to keep her eyes on what I was doing.

I pressed the button on the bottom of the desk for F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Hi, Y/N, do you need something?"

"Hi F.R.I.D.A.Y., just wondering when lunch was I forgot to ask Tony earlier."

"You can take your lunch break whenever after you've worked for at least 5 hours."

"Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y."

"No problem!"

The time's 11:25 and I had finished one of the ten assignments Tony's given me. I take a quickly look at Natasha who's still extremely focused on me. Of course she notices me look.

"Distracted ms y/l/n?"

"No ma'am, not at all" I turn back to my computer.


~~~~time skip~~~~

It's 2:55 so it's been 5 hours since my shift started and I've already finished all the work stark's given me so I decided to go on break. Despite Natasha having have been there for my entire shift so far, I think I did pretty well.

"Ms. Romanoff, It's been 5 hours, I've finished the work Mr. Stark has given me and I'm gonna go on my break." I just feel like I have to announce it.

"Okay, that's fine ms y/l/n, you've got half an hour."

I got up and made my way to the lobby, I'd brought a chicken wrap for my lunch and was fairly excited to eat it. I got the lobby and sat down at one of the empty tables.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" A random dude says as he sits next to me.

"Yeah.. y/n y/l/n... and you are?"

"James Sanchez, I've been working here for quite some time now and to be honest, you seem more interesting then the rest of the people here."

"Seem? You've been working here quite some time, your words, not mine, I think you'd know if they're interesting or not."

"Well yeah but I don't know you yet so yes, you seem more interesting than the rest."

"Okay okay, I like you, you know how to get on my level."

James and I continued to talk for a while until my break reached 5 minuets left. He was a cool man to be honest.


"Stark." I say as I barge into his office.

"Woah there hot sauce packet, I could've been doing something else in here, knocking, it exists."

"I don't care. Why y/n?"

"Oh my god have you actually been watching her for the last 5 hours?"

"Yes stark. I have been."

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