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It's is lovely day like other normal days. A boy with black hair, without shirt on only on sweat pants is sleeping peacefully on his bed. Dreaming. It looks so peaceful but not for long.

"JEON JUNGKOOK GET THE FUCK UP ITS LAST TIME IM WARNING YOU OR ESLE YOULL BE LATE" a female voice came from kitchen but that boy named jungkook was still sleeping.

His bed room door slammed open and he got hit by someone. And he woke up scared.

"AHHH WHO IS THIS" jungkook said making female glare at him. And he looked at her. "Ohh eomma what's the matter let me sleep" jungkook said still yawning.

"Keep your voice low in the morning and get up you'll be late for your school look at the clock what time is it!" Mrs jeon said. And jungkook turn to look at the clock and his eyes went wide.

"Fuck mom I told you to wake up me I'm getting late" jungkook said and hurried towards bathroom. While his mom was making bed.

" I'm trying to wake you up from past one hour you bunny. But you are not waking up so it's not my fault. AND STOP CURSING YOU MOTHERFUCKER" Mrs jeon said and after making bed she went out.

Jungkook got ready for his school and came towards kitchen where his dad was having breakfast.

"Good morning Appa" jungkook said and took a piece of bread and started to walk towards door.

"Good morning kid" Mr jeon said and looked beside hoping to see jungkook but he wasn't there.

"Yahhh kook don't you wanna have breakfast huh!?" Mr jeon asked him while look at him and mrs jeon came from kitchen to see what happened.

"No Appa I'll be late" jungkook said and ran towards his school.

"JUNGKOOK COME BACK AND HAVE BREAKFAST" Mrs jeon shouted but till then jungkook was out.

"Ahh this kid never listens" Mrs jeon said and mr jeon laughed at her.

"After all he is gone after you" Mr jeon said and Mrs jeon glared at him.

"What!!!?? I never listen to you huh!!" Mrs jeon said and mr jeon's eyes went wide.

"That's not what I meant baby" Mr jeon said trying to coax his mate.

"Fuck you and your son. I have tone of works to do I don't have stupid time to argue with you" Mrs jeon said and went towards kitchen while mr jeon smiled at her.


Jungkook came running toward hallway and stopped while taking moment to breath.

"Ahhh I was almost late" jungkook said to himself.

While he started to walk towards his locker he smelled lavender scent which he always hate so much. Because he can't get enough of it.

He reached towards his locker to see omega his enemy was there. Both enemies locker beside each other sounds so fun.

He went and tap omegas head and waited to look his reaction.

"What do you want jeon" omega said while jungkook laughed.

"Nothing just wanted to tap your head so you can know not to mess with huge alpha like me" jungkook said triggering omega because he don't like when someone make fun of his height.

"Jeon don't start in early morning" Omega said glared at him.

"Haha what will you do if I don't huh, you tiny park jimin" jungkook said making jimin more angry.

While jungkook was laughing jimin kicked his balls and jungkook fell on the floor while cupping his balls with pain.

"Ohh opps sorry I didn't mean to jeon" Jimin said while jungkook was in pain but still glare at him.

"I'll won't leave you" jungkook said still on floor.

"For that you need to catch me but I don't think you can. Or else I'll kick hard then your future generations will have problem. And I don't think you want that right!!!" Jimin said and bend down toward jungkook who was in pain but as jimin bend towards him his scent was making jungkook go crazy that's what he hate how can omega make him feel that way.

"Just wait and watch" jungkook said and jimin laugh and pat his head same as jungkook earlier with him.

"Don't you know small tiny things can be equally dangerous. So better be always prepared for it." With that said jimin left jungkook was in still floor. While other students were seeing them around. And gossiping.

TO BE CONTINUED..................

Hey my loves♥️

How was the first chapter!!??

It's just starting. Let's go with the flow!!!

Tell me your thoughts how do you thing it was!!?

And about oneshot if you wanna read more or I should stop!???

And about oneshot if you wanna read more or I should stop!???

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Love ya'll love ♥️

See you in next chapter!!!!

Till then byeeeeeee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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