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Jimin was sitting alone since Taemin and Yoongi didn't came they went for their date.

So he was eating alone think what just happened in class. It got him goosebumps.

"Fuck he is messing with my head" Jimin whispered to himself. 

He was busy thinking about jungkook and didn't noticed jungkook who came with food tray and sat in front of him. Who was still busy in his thoughts.

"Little bug , where are you lost huh" jungkook said getting jimin's attention who was shocked.

"Why are you here go back to your friends and sit there" Jimin said don't know what's in jungkook's mind who smirk.

"Nope I'll stay by your side I kinda love your company" jungkook said making jimin confused.

"But I don't even like your company fucker" Jimin said that made jungkook little trigger he was about to say something but got cut of by someone.

"Excuse me" they person said and jimin and jungkook looked at him who was standing beside their table.

"Yes" jimin said with little smile. Made that person see spark.

"Ummm I- actually I'm new here can I sit with you'll if you don't mind" that person said.

"YES" "NO" jikook said together and jimin glared at jungkook who did the same.

"Yes you can sit here" Jimin said and that person sat beside jimin and jungkook just glared omega.

Why can't he sit somewhere else. What's his problem. And why the fuck jimin said yes. I'm already here then why him. Wtf jungkook what are you thinking.

"Thanks umm" that person asked.

"Jimin. Park jimin" Jimin said with his moon eye smile and just like that both of them were daze.

One was confused about this new feeling and other one was getting goosebumps.

"Uhh Yaa thanks jimin. Btw I'm Eunwoo. Cha Eun-woo" eunwoo said and moved his hand forward to shake with jimin and jimin took it and shake.

But they both didn't knew that one alpha was glaring at their hand. Like he wanna beat eunwoo and pull jimin to himself but he don't know why.

"Ummm" jungkook made noise so both of them looked at him. 

Ohh I forgot about you hey what's your name" eunwoo said and jungkook just tsk.

"Jungkook. Jeon jungkook" jungkook said and eunwoo moved his hand to shake but jungkook didn't it made him embarrassed and jimin rolled his eyes.

"Ohh so you both are friends" eunwoo asked and jungkook smirks.

"YES" "NO" Both of them said.

"What" eunwoo said but laughed.

"Yes we are" jungkook said. And jimin glared at him.

"No we are not" Jimin said and jungkook was loving to mess with him.

"He means we are not only friends but we are best friends" jungkook said and moved from his seat to sit with jimin and put his hand on his shoulder pulling him towards him.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now