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WARNING: Further content is not for kids. So if you are not 18+ please skip this chapter cause I don't want kids telling their parents they read smut and knows everything 💀

*mature content ahead* 🪦


Just like that their lips collided with each other in passionate kiss. Their lips were moving in sink. Jimin hushed sinful moans were getting mixed with their heavy breathing. Jungkook bit his lips and sucking it from time to time and then jungkook explored jimin's sweet mouth, cherishing every little moans from the ethereal human

 Jungkook bit his lips and sucking it from time to time and then jungkook explored jimin's sweet mouth, cherishing every little moans from the ethereal human

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"Ah-ahnn" jimin moan sounds more sinful than ever.  Slowly jungkook lips made his way down to jimin's neck.  Jimin back arched in pleasure as jungkook licks jimin sweet spot before grazing his teeth there for a mere seconds and finally nibbling there.

"K-kookie ahh" Jimin fingers tangled up with jungkook's raven locks. Jungkook moved away and removed his and jimin's clothes leaving both of them completely naked. Jungkook moved back to the bed making jimin spread his legs settling between them and admiring jimin.

Jimin's breath was uneven from the erotic kiss second ago and he was completely naked under him. His wet soft black hair was quite disheveled with his chest heaving up and down. Looking so beautiful. Making hard for jungkook.

"YOU ARE MINE OMEGA JUST MINE" jungkook said while looking at jimin with his red eyes since his rut has already got triggered. Jimin clutched the slick black sheet as his toes were curled as he wanted jungkook to touch so bad. But jungkook was lost admiring the beauty in front of him.

"Kookie" jimin whine he wanted jungkook to touch him.

"Yes baby" jungkook asked

" Touch me I need you" jimin said

"Impatient much" jungkook said with smirk.

With that said jungkook leaned down to calm jimin's lips again in aggressive kiss and jimin didn't waste any time to kiss him back. Jimin's hands wrap around jungkook's neck pulling him closer. Their scent were high in air whole room was reeking their scent but it was smelling heaven for them.

Jungkook cupped jimin's soft little face pulled more closer nibbling and sucking on the red bottom lips.  Jimin moaned when jungkook started sucking his left nipple and playing with right.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now