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It was the day when they all were going back home. Their trip came to an end but something new had just started.

It was early in the morning it was 6 am no one was up yet. But in one tent one boy with brown hair, doe sparkly eyes, with bunny smile was looking at one certain person who was sleeping looking so angelic way with his black hair on his forehead his plump lips were pouting with his cheek pressed on pillow looking cute.

Of course it was non other then jungkook's and jimin's tent. Jungkook was looking at jimin like he is the only person that matter and nothing more.

Jungkook removed this hair from jimin's forehead to look at his face properly. Jungkook just smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"I'll do anything to make you mine forever" jungkook whispered to himself with smile.

Jungkook started to shake jimin who just grunt not waking up. But somehow jungkook managed to wake jimin up.

Jimin looked at him rubbing his eyes with his tiny wrist stretching little bit.

"It's already time to go!?" Jimin asked in his sleepy voice jungkook just chuckled at him.

"No silly it's early in the morning no one is up yet" jungkook said as jimin sat up looking at jungkook confused who also sat up from their sleeping position.

"Then why the hell did you wake me up" Jimin said rolling his eyes brushing his hair backwards making jungkook whipped.

"A-actually I wanted to take you somewhere" jungkook said and jimin looked at him with confused expression.

"Kook don't you think it's early in the morning to make fun" Jimin said and jungkook just shook his head.

"I'm not making fun!! Really get up I want to take you somewhere before we go back" jungkook said getting up pulling jimin up to who just sighed.

"Where ever you are taking it should be worth my precious sleep or I won't hesitate to chop your balls off" Jimin said picking up his blanket going to get ready while jungkook laughed.

"It will worth it and please spare our future children" jungkook said with wink jimin just blushed and hit him with pillow.

Jungkook laughed while going out letting jimin change.

After a while jimin came out jungkook looked at him and smiled giving him one hand and jimin hold it with small smile.

"You are looking beautiful" jungkook said holding both of jimin's hand face each other.

"T-thanks I guess but I'm not even got properly ready I may look like alien" Jimin said laughing but jungkook just looking at him like whipped.

"No matter what you will always look beautiful in my eyes" jungkook said pulling jimin now his hand was warped around his waist and jimin kept his hand on his shoulder that made his heart beat fast.

"I-I t-think we should go and come back before everyone wake up" Jimin said and jungkook just nodded.

Hand in hand, looking at each other smiling, nothing just two of them matters each other. They were talking nothing particular but just here and there.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now