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It was finally evening jimin was all ready. Taehyung helped him to choose outfit and all. And jimin's mom was happy and she is sure gonna talk about this with jungkook's mom. Or she can ask her and jungkook for dinner or something.

Jimin was very nervous biting his nails while sitting on his bed while taehyung was choosing shoes for him. Jimin's mom was at work before going she said All the best mochi enjoy!! To jimin with wink.

Taehyung finally found a perfect pair for him that will go on his outfit. He smiled before picking up the pair of shoes turning around to jimin with big smile.

"Chim these are perfect" taehyung said going towards jimin who was sitting on the bed.

"Umm yes" Jimin said in nervous voice. And of course his soulmate noticed it so he kept the pair of shoes down and sat beside jimin.

"What happened chim why this chick is silent!?" Taehyung asked placing his hand on jimin's hand which was on bed.

"I'm just nervous. What if he doesn't like it. What if he don't want to start something with me. What if-" Jimin got his words cut by taehyung.

"Aishhh you are just stress over nothing. Have you ever seen that coconut head looking at you or the way he protects you" taehyung said and jimin just sighed.

"But-" Jimin was again cut by taehyung.

"Not but's or if's. Now get up and wear shoes jungkook must be coming soon" as soon as taehyung finished his sentence jimin's phone got notification.

Jimin took his phone to check that jungkook has texted him. He looked at taehyung for a moment and taehyung nodded his head telling him to see and he took a deep breath before opening his text.

Hey baby!!

Hey kookie!!

I'm here come out beautiful!!
Can't wait to see you😙

Shut up kookie😂
I'm coming let me wear my shoes really quick!!

Sure darling take you time!!
We have whole night 😋

Ohh shut up😂

Come fast!!


After texting he smiled feeling little good and taehyung was right next to him seeing his text who just smirked.

"Go kookie's darling he is waiting for you" taehyung said helping jimin to wear his shoes who just blushed.

"Stop it tae" Jimin said looking at mirror one last time before turning to taehyung who opened his arms.

"Have a great night. And tell me the details tomorrow" taehyung said hugging jimin who hugged his bestfriend tightly.

"Thanks tae for helping me" Jimin said and taehyung just chuckled.

"No need to thanks chim I'll always be here for you" taehyung said kissing jimin's forehead and jimin smiled at him.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now