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NOTE : Play the song when I'll tell you, don't play it now please 🙏🏻

Enjoy reading♥️



Both were in their dreamland sleep peacefully. Not giving a fuck about anything.

Soon jungkook heard some students who were gathering stuff for bonfire making noise getting excited.

It made jungkook's sleep broke. He tried to sleep ducking his face in jimin's hair breathing in lavender scent. But no available to sleep. So he decided to wake up and decided to wake jimin up too.

He moved his face away from his hair not before taking deep breath of lavender scent. He looked at jimin sleep so peacefully. He looked like an angel.

How can he look so cute while sleeping too jungkook though.

He removed jimin's hair from his face leaned down to kiss his forehead while his one hand caressing his cheek. With small smile playing on jungkook's lips.

Jungkook finally decided to wake him up so he poked jimin's nose to wake him up.

"Baby wake up" jungkook said and jimin was long awake when jungkook kissed his forehead but he  didn't wake up still had eyes closed. So an idea pop in jungkook's head he smirked and hovered over him.

He moved forward attaching his forehead with jimin before speaking.

"If you don't wake up now I'll do something that will make you scream" jungkook said with smirk jimin moved little but had his eyes closed. Thinking what jungkook will do.

"Ohh games with me won't work!! Before I say three you better wake up or else" jungkook said and jimin was full awake by now just had eyes closed he was trying very hard not to smile. 

"One" jungkook said as me moved little forward.

"Two" jungkook said as jimin can feel jungkook's breath on his lips.

"And thr-" before jungkook could complete jimin pushed him making jungkook fall back laughing hard and jimin sat up with his eyes wide.

"What the fuck!!! You nasty pervert" Jimin said keeping his hand on his heart that was beating fast while jungkook was laughing.

"What I was just waking you up" jungkook said still laughing and jimin took jungkook's pillow to hit him but jungkook catches the pillow.

"Shut up!! You could have just shake me to wake up" Jimin said while folding his blanket and jungkook helped jimin while giggling.

"But I wanted you wake up this way" jungkook said giving jimin a wink who just rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you" Jimin said while jungkook just smirked.

"Gladly" jungkook said and jimin made sour face.

They both were folding their sleeping bags they heard a voice from outside that tent.

"Jimin and jungkook come out in 10 minutes for bonfire" one student said.

Jimin and jungkook looked at each other before jimin gave jungkook a nodded telling him to say something.

"Sure we will" jungkook said and jimin gave him thumbs up who just blew jimin kiss who rolled his eyes.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now