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Jimin finally reached his home. Yes he went by walking because his home is not really far away from school it's in the same alley while jungkook's home is in opposite alley but still near from school.

Jimin sighed as he reached towards his door. He rang the doorbell waiting for his mom to open the door and that's when he heard from inside "coming" and he smiled after hearing his eomma's voice after so long.

Finally the door was wide open his mom looked at him and smiled and opened her arms to hug her child. And jimin giggled and ran towards her hugging her taking his mom's comforting scent.

"Ohh chim you are finally back!" Mrs park said and pulled away from hug kissing jimin's cheek who just smiled.

"Yes finally" Jimin said taking his luggage dragging it in while his mom closed the door behind.

Jimin dropped himself on couch with sigh. Even if I travel the beautiful place in the world still nothing will give me the comfort my home gives me it's my true heaven jimin thought and smiled.

"Here drink this" Mrs park said giving jimin a glass of water and sat beside him watching jimin drinking water with smile.

"Wahh!!! It feels so good to be back" Jimin said giving the glass to his mom who kept on the table beside her and just chuckled.

"Hahaha!! How was the camp!?" Mrs park asked and jimin looked her before recalling all the thing that happened making him blush.

"It was really good experience I have ever had. I really enjoyed" Jimin said and Mrs park smiled.

"Of course you will enjoy since my son-in-law was there with you" Mrs park said taking the empty glass of water and going inside the kitchen with smirk and jimin looked her confused following her in kitchen.

"Who is this son-in-law of yours!?" Jimin asked leaning against the kitchen and her mom started to make some ramen for jimin since kimchi was already ready.

"As if you don't know" Mrs park said while waiting for water to boil.

"And of course I don't know who it is!?" Jimin asked looking at her.

"Of course it's jungkook" Mrs park said with wink and jimin looked at her with wide eyes and his cheeks started to get red because of blush and Mrs park noticed it with smile on her face.

"W-what a-are you talking about" Jimin asked and her mom just chuckled and put the ramen in boiling water.

"You will get to know in future and now go get fresh come and eat then sleep. I have to go early tomorrow at work" Mrs park said and jimin just nodded still blushing on what his mom said to him.

Jimin took his luggage and went inside his room and took a deep breath before releasing it.

"Eomma is weird" Jimin said while biting his lips and going to get fresh.


Jungkook came from his room after getting fresh ready to have dinner with his family.

"Ohh kook you came back" Mr jeon asked as he sat on the dinning table and jungkook sat beside him.

"Yes dad one hour back. You didn't came from office at that time" jungkook said and Mr jeon nodded. But he thought about something and got up from his seat.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now