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NOTE : Please don't miss the chapter read all chapters!!! You'll won't understand what is going!!! I can see someone of them missing the chapter or should I say skipping!!! Please read every chapter or else don't read!!! Don't skip it hurt when y'all skip!!



So the race to the mountain has started all students are moving fast to reach before 2 hours. All are going helping their partners.

           (This is the mountain take an imagine)

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           (This is the mountain take an imagine)

While jimin and jungkook were going to trying their best to reach early.

"Jimin you go walk ahead of me" jungkook said while climbing and jimin stopped and looked at him confused.

"Why!??" Jimin asked making jungkook also stop track.

"Because if you trip or fall so I can catch you" jungkook said with smile and jimin just scoffed.

"I'm not clumsy" Jimin said with fold hands across his chest and jungkook just chuckled.

"Ohh really you literally fall from every chair and trip on everything" jungkook said with small smile and jimin looked at him with sour face.

"Ohh I don't!" Jimin argued.

"Ohh sure you do. Now walk ahead I'll be right behind you. Let go we don't wanna be late, do we!?" Jungkook said and jimin just sighed and nodded.

"Arhhhhh fine" Jimin said was going to walk but stopped when jungkook called him again. "Now what!?" Jimin asked.

"Here take this stick it will help to climb" jungkook said and gave jimin a stick and jimin smile at him and nodded.

"Ahh thanks but where did you find these!?" Jimin asked and jungkook just smirked.

"I have my own ways darling" jungkook said with wink and jimin hit him with stick. "Ouch" jungkook said rubbing his leg where jimin hit him.

"Shut up and walk and don't act. I didn't hit you that hard" Jimin said started to walk ahead.

"Hehe wait for me" jungkook said and walked right behind jimin to make sure he doesn't fall.

Meanwhile eunwoo and soobin went from other side because soobin said. Even tho eunwoo wanted to go with jimin together but he don't want to argue with soobin and he need to listen to his partner too so they went from other side.

And jimin and jungkook were going as jimin walked forward and jungkook behind. They were climbing it was little tough to climb but with the help for stick they can climb.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now