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After a while jungkook and jimin were going back towards their tent hoping no one is awake yet.

Both had their hand intertwined with each other smiling to each other once in a while.

Jungkook had a tight grip on jimin's hand while jimin was blushing at alpha's possessiveness.

Once they reached towards their camp site. Some students and teachers were awake. Making both of them stop walking ahead with eyes wide.

"Jungkook now what to do if they saw us we are gonna be dead" Jimin whispered to jungkook who pulled jimin's hand moving away so they can hide behind the tree.

"Ahh don't worry I'll take you" jungkook said looking at jimin who's back was pressed against the tree while jungkook caging him.

"I'm telling you if we got caught your balls are dead" Jimin said as jungkook looked at jimin with wide eyes before chucking.

"Why are you always behind our future kids!! what did they do to you!?" Jungkook said with smirk and jimin hit jungkook on chest who was laughing at his reaction.

"Shut up with nonsense and do something" Jimin said looking towards their camp site and jungkook smirked as he leaned forward making jimin gasp.

"Should I do something" jungkook whispered in jimin's ear while biting it making jimin shiver.

"I d-didnt m-mean that way" Jimin said and jungkook was still leaning while jimin was red as hell.

Jungkook moved away and laughed hard making jimin exhale his breath while glaring at jungkook.

"You should see your face!! Damn you are looking like tomato" jungkook said still laughing and jimin had enough.

He moved towards him and hit his leg to jungkook's private part making jungkook groaned and fall on ground with pain while closing his eyes.

"I guess now you will think how can we reach towards our tent" Jimin said arms crossed around his chest looking down at jungkook who is in pain.

"Ahhh you angry bird I'm in pain now" jungkook said while standing up still with sour face dusting his clothes with sigh.

"Whatever now tell me how we can go" Jimin said and jungkook pulled jimin by his hand as yelp left from jimin's mouth.

"You better don't hurt our future kids. And now stay behind me I'll take you and try not to make any noise while walking" jungkook said looking straight in his eyes and jimin just nodded gulping his saliva.

They both intertwined their hand while walking slowly behind from one tree to another. Once they were near their tent not making a single noise. They sighed once they reached.

"Phew finally" Jimin said unlocking his hand from jungkook who pouts.

"Yaya thanks to me" jungkook said and jimin just giggled.

"Yes sure!! Thanks for a beautiful morning I'll always remember it" Jimin said with his eye smile making jungkook's heart skip beat.

Before jungkook could say anything Someone called jimin who looked at right to smile at alpha.

"Good morning minnie" that certain alpha who is non other then eunwoo said with charming smile and jungkook just want to punch him from ruining their moments like always.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now