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Jimin and taehyung as usual came to school talking teasing each other. Taehyung was excited to meet his hope while jimin was frustrated to see jungkook.

While jimin and taehyung went towards their locker to take books and stuffs.

Someone taped jimin's back and jimin turned around to see eunwoo who was smiling at him and made jimin smile as well.

"Hey jimin" eunwoo said.

"Hey eun" jimin said and eunwoo looked beside to see taehyung and looked at jimin silently asking him to introduce him.

"Ohh yaa!!! Tae this is eunwoo my friend and eun this is taehyung my best friend" Jimin said and both of them shaked their hands.

"Hey buddy" tae said.

"Ayoo" eun said.

"You are the one who is jimin's new friend finally I meet you" tae said and put his arm over jimin's shoulder possessive way.

"Yes it's me I guess" eun said looking at jimin with smile.

"Yes eun it's you" Jimin said with his cute dimple smile and we lost eunwoo.


"Eun are you there"

"Hello eun"

"CHA EUNWOO" Jimin screamed and eunwoo came out of dazed.

"Ohh sorry I was thinking something anyways see you at lunch minnie. Byee you too taehyung" eunwoo said waved both of them who waved back.

"What was that" Jimin asked looking at taehyung confused with eunwoo's behaviour.

"I guess I know what was that" taehyung whispered himself with smirk nothing can hide from tae's eyes.

"Huh what" Jimin asked and taehyung looked at him.

"Uhh nothing go to your class I'll see you later byee chim" taehyung said hugging jimin tightly before going.

"Now tae's behaviour is wired" Jimin said with sigh and went towards his class


Jimin was sitting his usual place when he heard scream. He just sigh knowing it's jungkook. All girls were fangirling on him.

Jimin continued to look out side the window not giving A FUCK to him or his popularity.

After few minutes he smelled jungkook who sat beside him.

"Hey baby boy" jungkook said and jimin just sigh and looked at him and growled.

"Can you stop with his bullshit of yours" Jimin said and jungkook just smirked at him.

"What did I do darling" jungkook asked moved backward towards his sit.

"Wearing red colour clothes looking like tomato and calling me with wired names" Jimin said and rolled his eyes.

"But I love the way you get annoyed" jungkook said moving forward towards jimin who moved little back.

"Huh whatever" Jimin said and moved towards window but was pulled back when jungkook pulled him with one arm around his chest.

Jungkook's chest touched jimin back. It was like they were back hugging. Most of the student gasp some were as usual ready with their phones to record.

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