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Finally their graduation was done and now all of them decided to go and follow their dreams.

Suga is gonna be music producer so Taemin will help him in that and they are deciding to stay in Seoul.

Namjoon wants to open a school for children who aren't able to get proper education so jin and him decided to move Bukchon Hanok Village.

Jhope wants to open a dance academy while taehyung wants to be model so they both also decided to stay in Seoul for that purposes.

And at last our jungkook and jimin decided to move out of the country for their future to New York. As jimin wants to be ballet dancer and jungkook wants to open his own company.

All of them were happy and made decisions that atleast in year for once they will meet each other even tho no matter how much busy they are.

As jungkook and jimin is already mated so they decided to marry and then move out to New York.

Today was the day for their wedding. And of course jimin and jungkook were in different room getting ready.


Jungkook is all ready and nervously biting his nails while hobi and Taemin looking at him with sigh.

"Can you just stop biting your nails" Taemin said while jungkook looked at him but didn't leave his nails.

"You aren't kid kook you are getting married in few minutes" hobi said slapping his hand away from his mouth who just whined like kid.

"I'm nervous okay" jungkook said pouting while Taemin giggled at him.

"And why?" Taemin asked while taking place front of him to sit with smile while hobi stood near door with arms crossed.

"I don't know I just want jimin to be near me to keep me sane" jungkook said and Taemin tsk at him and his smile drop.

"Ohh just shut up kook you are an alpha stop acting like omegas in heat being needy for their alpha" Taemin said while rolling his eyes. That's when Yoongi came towards them. 

"Is jungkook ready?" Yoongi asked and went near Taemin pulling him in his arms kissing his forehead who smile at him while both alphas made disgusted face.

"Can you just not do that now when we are not with our omegas" jungkook said while rolling his eyes and hobi laughed.

"Okay okay enough let's go jungkook you have to be there first" Yoongi said while going to jungkook to make his coat correctly.

Jungkook took a deep breath with eyes closed and opened them to look at other who were smiling at him.

"Relax kook think about jimin and let's go. Btw you are looking handsome" Yoongi said brushing his hair back taking Taemin with him and going ahead while hobi help jungkook who followed him behind.

Jungkook was standing near the place were wedding should be. The Venu was at beach where the wedding had been conducted. Beautiful waves fresh air the sound of waves were so pleasant. It was literally best place to get married.

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