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As soon as they all climbed up saw jungkook and namjoon was the first one to hold him back who started wigggling in his arms.

"Jungkook stop" namjoon said picking jungkook almost up from ground who wont stay still.

"NO LEAVE ME!!" jungkook said still in his arms that's when jin came forward cupping his face making jungkook look at him with his red angry teary eyes at him breathing hard.

"Kookie calm down" Jin said but jungkook wasn't listing it's like his alpha was taking over him. Growling from time to time.

"Tae and hobi you both go to left side from here and see each room and taemin and suga go to other side if you find him come and tell us" Jin said still holding jungkook's face who was sobbing by now looking at jin while jin was looking at him trying hard not to cry.

"Okay" they said and went their way.

"Kookie calm down" Namjoon said as he saw jungkook calming down little so he kept him back on ground but not leaving still back hugging him.

"Now listen to me jungkook till they find him you need to be strong okay and be calm" jin said wipping jungkooks tears.

"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN HYUNG WHEN I KNOW MY OMEGA MUST BE SUFFERING SO MUCH HUH?!!" Jungkook said most likely screamed making namjin sighed.

"We know kook but you have to calm down and wait till others come back with any news" jin said trying to calm him down but he wasn't listening.

"I DON'T FUCKING CARE I'LL FIND MY OMEGA ON MY OWN" jungkook said and started to struggle under namjoon's hold who was hugging him tightly.

"JUNGKOOK!!" Jin finally lost his patience and screamed at him making both of them stop struggle and jungkook fell on the floor.

"H-hyung m-my baby must be in pain please I'm begging you to let me go please" jungkook said crying joining his hands in front of Jin making jin to go on knees as well as he hugged jungkook who was crying on his shoulder.

"I know kookie just for a while till others come back okay our minnie is will be okay he is strong omega, isn't he?" Jin said cupping jungkook's face while wiping his tears away who nodded.

"He is strongest omega I have ever seen" jungkook said and Jin smiled as he was about to say something when he saw taehyung came running towards them with Taemin and suga.

"We found him" taehyung said making jungkook be on his foot in no time while facing taehyung.

"Where is he tell me" jungkook asked desperately while going towards taehyung.

"He is at last room I guess we should hurry up" taehyung said and jungkook waited for no one and ran towards last room.

"Where is hobi?" Jin asked as they started to follow jungkook.

"He is standing there" taehyung said and they nodded while going towards last room.

Once they reached they saw hobi was standing outside the house waiting for them while biting his nail. Jungkook ran towards him holding his shoulder.

"Where is he hyung?" Jungkook asked while breathing hard he just want to see jimin as soon as possible.

"Inside this room" hobi said and jungkook moved him away to open the door and as soon as he opened he saw jimin was at the corner of the room holding his stomach as whole room was smelling slick and lavender scent was high.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now