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NOTE : If y'all are wondering doesn't they brought their phones with them, so answer is nope Mr kang strictly said no to phones on trip so Yaa!!

Enjoy reading beenies ♥️



After climb for 1 hour and 30 minutes they finally reached their destination. It was beautiful from top of the mountain. Some students were coming some were already there.

(Take imagine)

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(Take imagine)

Jimin breath heavily once he reached and saw beautiful view. And a beautiful smile formed on his lips. He looked beside to see jungkook looking at the view too.

"Isn't it beautiful" Jimin asked jungkook and jungkook looked at him only to give a generous smile.

"It is but" jungkook stopped his word making jimin look at him.

"But what!?" Jimin asked then jungkook turned his body fully towards jimin wrapping both hand on his waist pulling him close. A yelp came out from jimin's lips as jungkook pulled him. He kept his hand on jungkook shoulder looking at jungkook's eyes. "W-what a-are y-you d-doing" Jimin wanted to jump up from mountain for stuttering.

"But you are more beautiful" jungkook said with soft smile jimin looked at jungkook with no expression.

Why the fuck my heart is beating so fast!! And what the hell he is speaking jimin though.

"What are you talking about"Jimin asked as wind blow towards them making their hair sway. Jungkook removed jimin's hair from his face and caressing his cheeks.

"I'm speaking fact" jungkook said his eyes were fully fixed on jimin not caring about surrounding.

I don't wanna hide my feelings anymore from you jimin!! I just wanna make you my omega, will you let me be your alpha!? Jungkook thought.

Jimin won't lie that jungkook was literally glowing the sun raise falling on him making his face sparkle and his soft smile. The gentleness in his experience somehow jimin liked it no loved it.

Jimin bite his lips looking down shyly but jungkook put his finger under his chin to make him look at him.

Once their eyes met it was like sun meeting moon. Both had some kind of feeling for each other. One knew what were they while other one was still finding.

"Thanks" Jimin said shyly he is sure his cheeks must be red like tomato. Jungkook just chuckled. How badly he wanna kiss those soft plump lips but he need to be patience, but he can't control when jimin was looking at him with that smile.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now