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It was a beautiful sunny morning. One alpha with huge body who has put his arms around a beautiful omega who is sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Of course it's non other then jungkook and jimin sleeping in each others arms. Birds were chirping letting world know its morning. Just like that jungkook woke up hearing birds voice.

Jungkook move closer to jimiin digging his face more in his neck trying to sleep but as soon as he was about to sleep alarm went off making him sigh. He woke up moving little away so he can turn off the alarm.

Jungkook looked at his phone and saw it was 7:00 AM so he need to wake up since they have school to attend. He sighed and kept the phone down while going back to look in his arms jimin who was sleeping so peacefully.

Jungkook smiled at him caressing his face before leaning down and kissing his lips softly making jimin wine that made jungkook chuckle but it didnt stopped him from kissing him. So again he started to kiss jimin first at his forehead, the down to his eyes, then to his nose, his both the cheeks, when jungkook was about to kiss his lips jimin pushed jungkook so hard that jungkook fall off the bed.

"Ahhhh baby" jungkook said rubbing his butt making jimin laugh.

"Sorry kookie I didnt mean to push you so hard" jimin said laughing so hard that he fall back on bed what jimin didnt knew that jungkook was on his feet coming towards him.

Jimin gasp as jungkook hovered over him with smirk on his face. Jimin gulp looking at jungkook who  was looking at with with dark eyes.

"Very festy early in the morning aren't we" jungkook said but jimin just bite his lips looking down feeling so small under jungkooks gaze.

"N-no" jimin said stuttering make jungkook smirk wider, ohh how badly jimin wanna wipe that smirk off.

"Then what baby?" jungkook ask as he lean down making their head touch together. Jungkook saw how jimin just closed his eyes while breathing softly. He cant help but peck his lips before looking back to jimin who had his eyes open now with smile on his lips.

"Good morning kookie and sorry for pushing you" jimin said cupping jungkooks face in his palm who just smiled.

"A very good morning darling and no need to say sorry baby" jungkook said and kissed jimin forehead.

"Aishhh kookie" jimin said feeling shy under jungkooks gaze.

Before jungkook could say anything his bedroom door slammed open making jungkook pull away from jimin who is just froze on his spot.

"Jungkook get u-...........OMG ISNT THAT JIMINIE" a female omega who was looking from the bedroom door looking at them making jungkook sigh.

"EOMMA!! Atleast knock the door" jungkook said and pulled jimin up from sleeping position into sitting who was trying his best to hide behind jungkook.

"Omg he is so cute" Mrs jeon said while looking at jimin who is hiding behind jungkook and jungkook protectively hide him behind.

Hearing Mrs jeons voice Mr jeon came towards their son's bedroom to look what happend.

"What happened" Mr jeon asked and Mrs jeon looked at him smiling widely and jimin curse under his breath fucking great and  jimin hugged jungkook from behind.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now