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Few minutes before!!!

When jimin and soobin were talking. Jungkook and eunwoo were going far little so they can talk.

As soon as they reached jungkook looked at eunwoo with raise eyebrows.

"Speak" jungkook said and eunwoo looked little hesitate but he cleared his throat.

"A-actually" eunwoo started but again stopped when he saw jungkook was glaring at him.

"Speak fast I don't have time for you" jungkook said glaring at him.

"I just wanna say that" eunwoo started again and stopped again just to irritated jungkook.

"Can you just come to point and stop with your fucking tease I'm not in mood and I wanna go back jimin is waiting for me" jungkook said and eunwoo just chuckled.

"Yes that's what I want jimin" eunwoo said and jungkook looked at him with confused look.

"What" jungkook asked.

"Yes you heard right I want jimin" eunwoo said.

"Stop with your nonsense and say clear" jungkook said.

"I like jimin I want him to be my omega" eunwoo said loud and clear.

"Hahaha what a joke" jungkook started to laugh.

"I'm not joking" eunwoo said but jungkook just laugh looking that eunwoo go confused.

"You should know your limits and jimin won't be yours" jungkook said stopped laughing.

"How you know he will be or not I'll make him mine" eunwoo said and next thing he know that he got slammed on tree jungkook glaring at him.

"DARE TO SAY THAT AGAIN AND YOU WONT ABLE TO USE YOUR DICK AGAIN" jungkook said glaring at him his eyes were red from rage. Eunwoo looked little scared but he didn't showed it.

Before eunwoo could reply jimin and soobin came.


Jimin took soobin's hand and was going towards their camp jungkook calling him but he didn't looked at him ignoring him going toward camp. He don't know why he feel hurt. But he was hurt.

"Jimin I'll go to my tent" as soon as they reached towards their camp site soobin said.

"Sure if you wanna hangout you can come to me okay" Jimin said with smile. Soobin nodded and waved at him and went.

Jungkook stopped in front of jimin and looked at him. Who just rolled his eyes.

"Why were you walking so fast" jungkook said but jimin didn't respond him.

"Aishhh it's not what you saw jimin" jungkook said and eunwoo came towards them.

"Yes Minnie believe me it's not what you saw" eunwoo said and jungkook just glared him.

"Why are you both explaining to me" Jimin said looking at them but jungkook clearly saw jimin was hurt.

"No I can see your eyes" jungkook said and smirked and jimin glared at him.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now