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It was gloomy day you can say because an alpha was just sitting at his canteen table just looking at blank space and countiue sighing.

It was non other than jungkook who was sighing continuously since he was sitting alone. You must ask why he is sitting alone??. One because jimin didn't came today at school and two his friend's are yet to come from class to canteen.

Jungkook dont know why jimin didn't came he didn't even texted him back nor picked up his calls making jungkook nothing but feel worried and confuse.

What happened to my baby? why he is not picking up my calls?? He is okay right?? Nothing bad happened to him right??? Right??? RIGHT????? jungkook was lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed that his friend group came in canteen.

"What happened to this dork?" Jin asked sitting down while other all looked at him with confused gaze don't know what is wrong with him while sitting down too.

"He didnt even noticed that we are here, did he?" taehyung asked looking at hobi who shook his head in no.





JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK" Jin finally screamed after all his tries when jungkook didn't looked at him. But as soon as he screamed not only jungkook but whole canteen went silent while looking at them.

But jin looked around embarrssed and he said sorry to all and everyone started to do their work. Jungkook was just looking at jin with wide eyes like wtf he did that he screamed so loudly. Meanwhile taemin, taehyung and hobi were trying very hard not to laugh and namjoon & yoongi were just shaking their head while chuckling.

"What happened hyung why are you shouting?" Jungkook asked and jin just glared at him while rasing his eyeborws.

"What happened to me??? What happened to you huh from when I'm calling you but you are lost somewhere esle and where is my minnie??" Jin asked with concern and jungkook just sigh now all of them are worried.

"I dont know where he is?" Jungkook said and all looked at him confused.

"What do you mean you dont know, aren't you his boyfriend?" yoongi asked and jungkook just shook his head.

"No really!! I called  him even texted him but he isn't answering me" Jungkook said and all of them looked worried leaving vhope.

Taehyung looked at hobi asking him should he tell or not and hobi gave him sign to tell him since he is so worried.

"Ummmm jungkook......... I know where jimin is" Taehyung said and jungkook looked at him with wide eyes almost standing up from his place but taemin stopped him from making any fuss like little pup.

"Where??? " Jungkook asked and hobi just smiled at him and patted taehyung's back telling him to continue or else jungkook will faint here.

"Umm he is not well he has kinda fever" Taehyung completed and waiting for jungkook to react. And expected jungkook busted.

"WHAT THE FUCK??? SINCE WHEN?? AND WHY HE DIDNT TELL ME?? I SHOULD BETTER GO TO HIM!! HE MUST BE BURING BY FEVER RIG-" Jungkook wasn't able to complete his word's got cut by namjoon.

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