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Jimin was standing near his school gate. School got over so he is waiting for tae since tae was staying over jimin because it's Sunday.

Jimin was on his phone going through insta feeds and checking what's new update or something.

That's when a soft hands closed his eyes.

Jimin knew instantly who it is. But then he tried to play it off and  was waiting for the other one to say something.

"Guess who I'm" that person said trying to voice out in different little bit of soft voice. So jimin won't able to guess.

"Umm minho!?" Jimin said

"Nope" that person said

"Tae!!??" Jimin said

"Nope" that person said

"Ohh so I don't know" Jimin said trying not to giggle.

That person removed his hand and came front of jimin with bright smile. Jimin was trying to act surprise.

"It's me" that's person said while jumping a little acting cute in front of omega. Jimin couldn't sustain and laughed.

"Hahahah!!!! I knew it!!! It was you eun" Jimin said and eunwoo looked at him confused.

"Ummm how" eunwoo asked and jimin just smiled at alphas cuteness.

"We are wolf of course I smelled your scent dumbo" Jimin said and eunwoo came to realise and giggle on his stupidity.

"Haha!! Okay okay!!! I actually came here for your number. If you don't mind can I get your number!!??" Eunwoo asked in such a gentle way and jimin kinda liked that sweet tone and smiled at eunwoo.

"Sure why not hand me your phone" Jimin said and eunwoo showed him his best smile and gave phone to jimin. Who started to type his number and handed back to eunwoo.

"Thanks a lot Minnie. I'll get going see you at Monday" with that said eunwoo waved jimin and left and jimin waved at him back with smile.

While he was waving taehyung came from behind and back hugged jimin who giggle at his best friend.

"Who was that handsome alpha" tae said still hugging him and jimin smiled.

"He is new student" Jimin said and tae just nodded.

"Okay let's go home. I can't wait to meet my darling" tae said pulling jimin's hand and walking.

"You were the one who came late" Jimin said with pout.

"Sorry my chim hobi wasn't leaving me he kept on kissing and hugging me" tae said with shy smile and jimin gaged.

"Damm it's for only one day you both won't see each other. You'll behave like married couple who are just mated so can't get away from each other" Jimin said and tae just laughed.

"You will get to know once you will have alpha" tae said and jimin shakes his hand while laughing. 

" I don't need alpha I'm okay by myself" Jimin said and tae stopped on track and looked at jimin with smirk.

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