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Next few days went on them making love to each other and finally today jungkook woke up without needing any need of pleasure.

After cleaning themselves and dressing up they finally decide to leave for their home, since they were still in the clubs room.

Both jungkook and jimin's parents knew about their heat and rut hit them suddenly so they were okay with them helping each other.

Their friends were also there to help them from bringing foods and clothes. But in this all process they all haven't seen jimin or his mating mark. So they don't really have any idea that jimin is already mated.

Now both jimin and jungkook are ready to go to jimin's house since jungkook's parents and their friends are waiting for them.

"Baby" jungkook said as they reached to jimin's house and helped jimin out of the car who took jungkook's hand and came out.

"Kookie" Jimin said as soon as he came out and stopped walking that made jungkook confused and also smelled jimin's discomfort smell so he just pulled him closer and snuggled into jimin's mating mark.

"What's wrong babe" jungkook said as he kissed jimin mating mark making jimin hum in satisfaction.

"Umm.......I'm kinda nervous" Jimin said as he snuggled closed to jungkook burying his face in his chest taking jungkook's calming scent.

"Why honey" jungkook said as he started scenting jimin thoroughly who was purring.

"What if they don't accept us" Jimin said while bitting his lips and jungkook moved away from his neck to look at him while cupping his face making him look at him.

"And why won't they?" Jungkook asked and jimin sighed looking down but jungkook made him look back into his eyes.

And when jungkook did that he saw little tears forming in jimin's eyes making jungkook more confused as he pulled jimin in hug who hugged him back sniffing.

"W-what if they say that we shouldn't have mate without their permission and take me away from you" Jimin said sobbing little making jungkook chuckle at him making jimin glare at him making him stop.

"Aishhh my baby they won't do that they already love the idea of being us together and if they ever take you away from me I'll run to you anyhow and don't worry they love us they will accept us beautiful" jungkook said kissing jimin's cheeks and blush creeped on his face making him shy.

"Okay" Jimin said in baby voice pouting a little making jungkook giggle.

"Now stop crying I don't like to see my omega crying" jungkook said as he wiped jimin's tears making him sniff little and jungkook kissed his nose with huge smile.

"Your omega huh" Jimin said sniffing while jungkook raised his eyebrows.

"Of course my omega just mine" jungkook said with smirk and pulled jimin into a kiss who kissed him back.

After a while they pulled backing giggling and hugging but their lovely moments broke as someone started gagging making them look towards that direction.

And there they saw their all friends looking at them. Jin was in aww, Namjoon had his hand fold with smile on his face, hobi was smiling his sunshine smile, taehyung was the one who was gagging on his soulmate, yoongi was yawning while Taemin was hitting him for always yawning making suga pout and Taemin smiled.

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