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Everything was going very well. Nothing was bad yet even relationship between jikook were blooming more and more. They were the idol couple in their school. Now everyone started to accept them. All loved how once enemies are now lovers. How fast night changes.

But of course there was a certain alpha who was trying everything to make them apart but wasn't working some or the other thing would make his plans fail but he wasn't gonna stop there because he is an obsessed alpha who can do anything to make an unmated omega to become his.

But let's just hope that certain alpha who is know as as eunwoo doesn't do anything stupid. Nobody other than Taehyung has doubt on him let's see what happens in future.

Currently jimin was in library reading book since his lecture got over soon and was waiting for jungkook who had his last class was attending it so he was here in library since they both go home together.

"Ahh I forgot to take math book now I have to find the book" Jimin said as he was studying math so he need a textbook.

He got up from his place to go to Math section books to find and when he finally found one but it was much higher than his height that he couldnt reach there so he just sigh.

"Fuck why they need to keep it so high when some of them can't reach there" Jimin said with irritated sigh .

"Need some help?" Someone said making jimin jump on his place he looked at the person and sighed after looking at familiar face.

"Damn eun you scared the hell out of me" Jimin said putting his hand on his chest since his heartbeat was fast but smiled at him and eunwoo smiled back at him.

"Hehe!! Sorry I didn't mean to scare you minnie" Eunwoo said rubbing his back of his neck feeling little shy because he can smell jimin's scent clearly.

"No worries eun. By the way what are you doing here??" Jimin asked giving a freindly smile to him who was looking at him with dazed eyes.

"Umm...nothing was here to take book and was about to go home, but found you here so came to greet you buy you are here struggling" Eunwoo said and jimin just sigh.

"Actully I need that book but it's high I cant reach there" Jimin said with pout but he didn't noticed the way eunwoo was looking at his lips whiling biting his own.

Jungkook you lucky bastard. Even I wanna taste those damn lips soon enough I'll be and I won't even allow a single soul to taste it ever again eunwoo thought but came out of his thought so he can help jimin.

"Tell me which book you want I'll take it out for you" Eunwoo said moving closer to jimin who looked at him and shook his head.

"Ahh no no it's okay I'll ask jungkook when he comes back you can go home if you wanna" Jimin said refusing his help because he knows jungkook don't like eunwoo so anytime jungkook can come here and won't be happy seeing eunwoo with him.

"What minnie I'm your friend atleast I can help you right?" Eunwoo said but jimin just bite his lips don't know what to do.

"No it's okay go-" Jimin couldnt get to complete his word's when an certain voice spoked. Making jimin's eyes go wide cause he don't want that certain person to misunderstand him and eunwoo just growled at that voice which didn't go unnoticed by jimin.

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