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After long 7 to 8 hour they finally reached their school. Almost everyone were sleeping due to tiredness.

Mr kang started to wake everyone up telling them they have reached school.

"Students get up" Mr kang said even he was tried but after saying some of them started to wake up and helping others to wake up too.

Shuffling sound was heard by jungkook who woke up yawing looking to see everyone started to take their bags and moving out of bus. 

He looked over his shoulder to see jimin was in his dream land. He didn't had heart to wake him up but since they have to go home so he started to shake jimin.

Jimin stirred in his sleeping moving his head from jungkook's shoulder looking outside the window to see they have reached.

He looked at jungkook who was smiling at him. Making jimin gave him sleepy smile.

"How was your sleep" jungkook asked getting up from seat to remove his and jimin's bag from up.

"Good but my body is stiff from sitting for so long" Jimin said stretching his body while yawning.

"Haha get up we have to go now" jungkook said helping jimin to stand up since he was still drowsy from sleep.

They were about to go but jimin noticed eunwoo and soobin are still sleeping so he looked at jungkook who was walking ahead but looked behind to see jimin stand on same position.

"What happened!?? Let's go" jungkook said giving his right hand to jimin so he can hold but jimin pointed at eunwoo and soobin and jungkook looked at them and sighed.

"You go ahead I'll wake them up and come okay" Jimin said jungkook hesitate a bit but nonetheless nodded and went outside the bus.

Jimin looked at them looking so cute together sleeping. Jimin shaked eunwoo who started to wake up rubbing his eyes. He looked at the person who woke him up from his beauty sleep but as soon as his eyes landed on jimin his sleep like vanished away.

"Ohh minnie!! What happened!!?" Eunwoo asked and jimin just smiled.

"Come on get up we already reached to our school" Jimin said and eunwoo looked outside the window to see they were already reached.

"Thanks for waking me up" eunwoo said smiling at jimin who just giggled.

"Aishh no need to thank we are friends and I don't want bus driver to take you both to his place" Jimin said giggling and eunwoo just chuckled.


Meanwhile jungkook was waiting outside like only for five minutes but for him it felt eternity he sighed kept his and jimin's bag down.

What is taking him so much time. I should not leave him with that guy. Jungkook thought and went inside the bus to see jimin giggling and eunwoo laughing. Made his blood boil.

"Baby" jungkook said and jimin knew who it was. Because he was the only person to call him baby other then his mom. He looked and saw jungkook pouting.

"What!?" Jimin asked and eunwoo just glared at him. All this was going on but soobin was still sleeping. Poor boy must be tried. 

"Come on Mr kang is calling" jungkook said and jimin nodded and looked at eunwoo who changed his expression from angry to calm one.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now