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Jimin was sitting on his bed packing his stuff for tomorrows camp. He sigh after done packing and went towards kitchen saw his mom was washing dishes.

He back hugged her and kissed her cheeks. She smiled at him.

"What is it baby" Mrs park said still washing dishes. Jimin moved away and sat on kitchen stool.

"Nothing just finished packing stuffs" Jimin said and Mrs park looked at him and hmmed.

"That's great. Take care of your self okay baby I'll miss you" Mrs park said.

"I'll take care and you too I'll miss you too" Jimin said went towards fridge and took out cold water to drink.

"Btw do you know jeon jungkook!?" Mrs park asked while drying her hands after she finished washing. And jimin chocked on water.

"How do you know him?" Jimin asked and Mrs park lean towards kitchen counter with fold hands.

"Ohh I forgot to tell you he is son of my best friend I got to know yesterday that she stays neighboring colony" Mrs park said and jimin's eyes went wide.

"WHAT YOUR BEST FRIEND!!??" Jimin shouted.

"Aishh lower your voice jimin" Mrs park said.

"Ohh sorry she is your best friend!?" Jimin asked.

"Yaa she is. I guess you know jungkook" Mrs park said.

"Yes I know him. And he is my project partner too" Jimin said with sigh and there was unknown smile on Mrs parks face.

"He is alpha jimin" Mrs park said giving little hint.

"So what" Jimin said confused.

"Nothing go back to your room you need to sleep okay baby good night" with that said Mrs park went towards her room leavening jimin confused.

"What is wrong with everyone today" Jimin said to himself and went towards his room changed his clothes and layed down and took his phone to put an alarm too see two messages.

Hey minnie!!

Hey eun!!

Packing done!!??

Yes it's done!!!
What about you!??

Mine too!!
Had dinner!??

Yep ready to sleep!!
Did you!!??

Yaa I did too!!
I'm excited for tomorrow!!!

Ahhh mee too!!

Even tho we are not in one group!!
We will enjoy together right!??

Yes eun why not!!

So let's sleep see you tomorrow minnie!!
Good night 😊

Good night to you too eun!!
See you tomorrow ☺️

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now