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Another day with new shit. Haha just kidding. Today everyone were going for tracking. It was almost 5:00 AM. Some students and teachers waking up and getting ready for tracking.

Mr kang was going to each students tent and waking up others.

"Mr park and jeon get up" Mr kang said from outside the tent that made jimin's sleep broke.

"Are you both awake!!??" Mr kang asked again standing outside the tent.

"Yes sir" Jimin speaked from inside with his sleepy voice siting up while rubbing his eyes.

"Okay come out till 6:30 AM" with that said Mr kang went to wake up other students.

Jimin was just sitting rubbing his eyes and stretch his body a little bit while yawning. He saw beside just to see jungkook sleeping peacefully.  

He looked so cute and innocent that jimin didn't had heart to wake up. He was think that this is the same alpha who always try to flirt and fight with him. And while sleeping he looks small baby. He can't believe this man's duality is something different.

Jimin let jungkook sleep for a more while till he got up and get ready. Jimin when he was finally ready with his clothes and all he went and sat beside jungkook with smile on his face.

"Jungkook wake up" Jimin said shaking jungkook a little but he just moved a little but didn't wake up.

"Kook get up we have to go" Jimin said but again jungkook didn't wake up.

"Aishhh you sleeping beauty wake up" Jimin said again and shaked jungkook little more. Making jungkook open his eyes and look around what's happening.

Just then he looked that jimin is sitting beside him he guessed that he must trying to wake him up. But instead of getting up. Jungkook pulled jimin and make him landed on his chest.

That made jimin's eyes wide don't know what to do. But as soon as he came back to sense he started to wiggle but as always jungkook had tight grip on him and at the end he gave up.

"Done wiggling?!!" Jungkook asked with his eyes closed and in his deep voice because he just woke up from sleep that made jimin shiver.

"W-what are you doing leave me and get up" Jimin said tried to push his body up but no available.

"Just lay down a little I just need energy" jungkook said and jimin looked at him from his chest confused.

"If you need energy then get up and do exercise instead of sleeping" Jimin said and jungkook opened his eyes and looked at jimin's making jimin's heart stop.

"I'm already getting energy from you having in my arms darling" jungkook said with wink and jimin slapped his chest hard. And when I said hard means too hard. "OUCH!!! Holy fuck" jungkook screamed and left jimin who got up while bitting his lips trying not to smile.

"Get up I don't have time for your stupid talk or else I'll leave you here and go" with that said jimin opened the tent and went outside but not before looking at jungkook who was in pain clutching his chest. Jimin just smiled at him before saying "I didn't hit you that hard honey"  he teased and went out giggling leaving jungkook in shock.

"OH MY GOD!! Did he really called me honey!!? Jungkook whispered to himself and patted his back with his hand with proud smile "well done jeon he is already falling for you" with that said jungkook got up to get ready fast so he can follow his omega and he forgot his chest that was in pain like nothing happened.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now