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Jungkook was now got up from sleeping position to sitting. That's when he saw his friends were trying not to laugh at him watching him from side.

He glare at them. They stopped laughing went towards jungkook. And taehyung help jungkook to stand up.

"Jungkook is your dick okay!" Taehyung asked trying not to laugh. While jungkook glared at him.

"Yahhh don't make fun of me" jungkook said. While they were still trying not to laugh.

"We are not making fun kookie we are just asking if not let's go to doctor" Jin said and jungkook just scoffed.

"I'm not weak like you hyung" jungkook said and Jin hit him on head.

"Yahhh I'm your hyung" Jin said and jungkook rolled his eyes

"So what" jungkook said making Jin angry.

"Yahh you brat-" jin gets cut of from Namjoon.

"Okay okay guys stop let's go to class we are already late" Namjoon said and all of them nodded.

While everyone were walking towards class jungkook stand on same position while giving evil smirk.

"I won't leave you alone park jimin. You have messed very bad" jungkook whispered to himself.

Jhope saw that jungkook was not following them so he yelled at him.

"YAHHH WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR HUH!!! SHOULD WE CALL JIMIN TO HELP YOU" jhope said and jungkook started to run behind him while he started to run forward.

"WAIT TILL I CATCH YOU" jungkook said and ran behind jhope while other laughed and shake their head.

While taehyung ran behind both while yelling at jungkook "yahh coconut head leave my hobi alone" and namjin couple were laughing at them.

TIME SKIPPED ( lunch time)

Bell rang and everyone started to move towards canteen.

Jimin was sitting with his three friends. Taemin and Yoongi. Who are couple and jimin loves to see them together not bother to feel third wheel.

"So guys how was last night" Jimin asked as he saw hickey on Taemin's neck. Making Taemin blush.

"Don't you feel weird to say that" Yoongi said and jimin rolled his eyes.

"If you'll are not weirded to do so why would I'll be ashamed to say and it's natural guys so chill" Jimin sassed. And Taemin giggle.

"Yaa jimin is correct it's okay honey don't overreact" Taemin said and Yoongi sigh. And jimin nodded.

"Okay if you say so" Yoongi said and kissed Taemin's cheeks. And jimin was fanboying on them.

"You'll are such a cutie" Jimin said and other two laughed. But they didn't know that one of the monster was coming towards them with banana milk in his hand.


Jungkook and his group means namjin and vhope couple were together while having lunch and talking random things.

That's when jungkook moved his eyes to right side and saw jimin was there eating his lunch. That's when an idea came in his mind

"Hyung can you give me your banana milk" jungkook asked jin who looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"Why I already bought for you 3 banana milk packet so why do you want more" Jin asked and jungkook sigh.

"Because I need one more please hyung" jungkook asked again this time showed his puppy eyes and Jin melted after all he is mother of theirs.

"Okay okay don't need to make pig face here have it" Jin said and gave jungkook who smirk and got up from the sit taking banana milk with him.

"Where are you going kook" jhope asked. And all of them were confused.

"I'll come back you'll continue" with that said jungkook went towards jimin's table.


Jimin was talking with them and that's when jungkook poured banana milk on his head. While laughing loudly. Making Yoongi and Taemin look at him with angry face and jimin sat there quietly waiting jungkook to finish pouring banana milk on him.

TO BE CONTINUE..............

Hey my loves♥️

How was this chapter!!!

Is there any mistake or some changes do ya'll want or it's going good!!??

I need your thoughts about this chapter!!!

And what's your age!!!???


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Love ya'll so much loves♥️

See you in next chapter!!!

Till then byeeeeeee 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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