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NOTE : Bruh I'm not joking!! If I don't get more then 15+ comments I'm not updating this book!! I want 15+ comments to be motivated to write further!!! Y'all better comment 😂....I'm serious 🤨 and see the above video🫠✋🏻

Other than that enjoy reading 😙



As soon as eunwoo reached where other students were he was searching for jimin but couldn't find.

But he didn't left soobin's hand. He had tight grip on his hand. Thinking omega can get lost in crowd. Making soobin blush all way long.

After searching for nice five minutes eunwoo finally stopped and sighed and soobin looked at him confused not know what he was searching from so long.

"Finally we have stopped so now tell me what are you searching for!!??" Soobin said and eunwoo looked at him.

"Actually I'm search-" Eunwoo got cut by someone.

"Hey eun" Jimin said and jungkook who was beside him just rolled his eyes.


Jimin and jungkook were together standing waiting other students to join. Who didn't came yet. Jimin noticed that soobin was not with them then he looked here and there noticed he wasn't. Jungkook noticed jimin was searching something.

"What are you searching do you need something!!?" Jungkook asked and jimin rolled his eyes.

"As if I need something you will get it!!" Jimin said and jungkook just scoffed.

"Just order me I'll be at your service princess" jungkook said acting like butler making jimin laugh that made jungkook smile.

"You are weird but not bad" Jimin said still giggling making jungkook rub his neck while looking down with smile.

"Now tell me what are you looking for!?" Jungkook asked again and jimin stopped giggling just sighed.

"Isn't soobin was with us where is he I can't find him!" Jimin said looking at jungkook and jungkook noticed now and nodded his head.

"Ohh yes he was now I don't know where he is" jungkook said while jimin sighed again.

"We should find him" Jimin said and jungkook looked at him with confused eyes.

"No need he must be here or maybe with that grasshopper" jungkook said with hands crossed and jimin looked at him confused thinking who is "grasshopper".

"Wait who is grasshopper!!?" Jimin asked confused and jungkook bite his lips looking how cute jimin was looking confused.

"Ahh you don't know that guy who always talk with you!" Jungkook said and jimin was really confused.

"You" Jimin asked trying not to laugh making jungkook looked at him.

"WHAT!!? NO!!?" Jungkook said while jimin laughed.

"Ohh yes yes I forgot you look like bunny" Jimin said while laughing and jungkook made sour face.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now