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As jimin and jungkook were walking towards their school giggling and laughing enjoying each other's presence.

But as they almost reached towards their school gate jimin stopped on his place making jungkook confused he looked at him.

"What happened baby!!?" Jungkook asked and jimin looked at him before slowly taking his steps back making jungkook pulling him towards him.

"L-let's go back kookie" Jimin said nervously but jungkook didn't understood what happened so he hugged jimin's waist pulling him more closer towards him kissing his forehead.

"What's matter angel!?" Jungkook said another new nick name making zoo in jimin's stomach who blushed looking down.

"L-look towards gate" Jimin said and jungkook looked towards gate only to notice gang of his friends looking at them more like glaring at them making him gulp.

"I guess we have to deal with it babe" Jungkook said and jimin just bit his lips before nodding his head.

"Lets go kookie" Jimin said and jungkook hold jimin's hand tightly before going towards gate where their friends were standing.

Once they were front of their friend's they both smiled nervously looking at them. All of them were glaring expect two of them and that was vhope couple who were smirking at them since they both already knew.

"H-Hello-" Jungkook wasn't able to complete his words the mother of the group started to yell at him.

"FUCK YOUR HELLO JUNGKOOK AND JIMIN HOWEVER YA'LL WANT" Jin said glaring at two who were just looking at each other.

"Umm....hyung we can explain" Jimin started to say but again the little meow yelled at him.

"Jimin the last time we checked you both were about to kill each other now suddenly what happened?" Yoongi asked in deep voice almost using his alpha voice to speak with jimin but taemin held his hand calming him down while jungkook came forward and pulled jimin behind him protectively.

"Yoongi dont dare to raise your voice at my omega" Jungkook said glaring at yoongi who gasp at disbelief.

"FIRST OF ALL IT'S HYUNG TO YOU EVEN THO I'M FEW MONTHS OLDER THAN YOU AND NOW YOU DARE TO TALK TO ME HUH" Yoongi said and now suddenly jimin was feeling sacred he came ahead of jungkook pulling him towards side before holding yoongi's hands.

"Hyung I'm sorry on behalf of him-" Jimin wasn't able to complete his words when jungkook interrupted him.

"Jimin why are you saying sorry it isn't your fault ba-" Jungkook shut his mouth as soon as he saw jimin glaring at him.

Damn this omega looks so scary when he is angry but so so hot fuck minnie what are you doing to me jungkook thought gulping while looking at jimin from top to bottom.

"Hyung I'm sorry please don't be angry we just don't know what happened to us at camp but it made me happy to be with jungkook. I know you all must be thinking we are joking or something but it's not hyung we both really like each other. This camp made me realised my feelings for jungkook and let me tell you hyung jungkook is the best alpha. He takes good care of me I really like him hyung please accept our relationship please I'm requesting to all of you please guys for our happiness" With that said jimin eyes teard up as he looked at all of them that made all of them shock. And jungkook he was so so happy to find an amazing omega to himself he is sure he will make him so happy and wont ever make him said or ever hurt him.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now