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Jimin was changing his clothes getting ready while jungkook was sitting outside their tent waiting for him to get finish.

Jungkook sighed jimin has taken too much time like he is getting ready from past 30 minutes.

Jungkook finally got up went near their tent and shouted from outside.

"Is princess is ready can I get ready too" jungkook said waiting for jimin to answer.

"Opps I forgot!! Yes I'm ready you can come in" Jimin said from inside he didn't hear when jungkook said princess

And jungkook whispered to himself finally and opened the zip of their tent went inside.

"Damn how much time-" jungkook was ready to scold jimin but stopped as soon as his eyes landed on jimin.

Nothing special just jimin was in casual outfit. Still looking like an angel. How his natural skin glowing His hair which were perfect made. His eyes were twinkling. His every curve was just mesmerising. His natural pink soft lips which look more plump as jimin was sucking is feeling little shy as jungkook was looking at him.

 His natural pink soft lips which look more plump as jimin was sucking is feeling little shy as jungkook was looking at him

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( imagine jimin wearing this minus hat)

Jimin was feeling shy that jungkook stopped speaking in middle just staring at him. Like he haven't seen him before.

"Beautiful" jungkook didn't know when this word came out of this mouth.

Jimin's eyes went wide looking at jungkook with his red cheeks. And jungkook was looking embarrassed after saying that even his ears became red.

"Thank you I guess" Jimin said feeling shy.

But jungkook also noticed that jimin's lavender scent has become more sweet then usual. He kinda feel proud that he was the reason. Jungkook cleared his throat. Looking away from jimin.

"C-can y-you go so I can change or you wanna watch me" jungkook wanna slap himself for stuttering.

Jimin to got up and ran outside.

As soon as jimin went out side jungkook release his breath that he didn't knew how long he was holding.

"Fuck jimin is gonna be death of me" jungkook said and started to get ready.

While jimin to came outside and put his hand on his heart that was accelerating fast calming himself down.

"What was that!!? I never felt something like this before" Jimin whispered to himself trying to breath in and out.

HIGH SCHOOL LOVE♥️ (jikook)Where stories live. Discover now