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Not so long enough jungkook and jimin reached to their destination.

Jungkook parked the car in parking lot. Removed his seatbelt and jimin did the same. But jungkook was the first one to get out of the car and went to the other side to open the door for jimin. He opened the door and jimin looked at him and giggled.

"Aishhh" Jimin said as jungkook bowed towards him like prince.

"Will you take my hand my beauty" jungkook asked as he moved his hand forward towards jimin who took his hand and came out of the car.

"Gladly my handsome" Jimin said and jungkook chuckled at him while closing the door.

"Let's go hyungs must be mad since we are late" jungkook said and jimin nodded as they moved towards door of club where the party was held.

As soon as they reached there they saw all of their friends were waiting outside for them.

"Kookie do you think we are droomed?" Jimin said nervously while jungkook just gulped.

"I think we are baby" jungkook said looking how their friends were looking frustrated.

"Let's go we are late because of you anyways" Jimin said rolling his eyes while jungkook gasp.

"Wahhh you just said sleeping is important" jungkook said looking at jimin with big puppy eyes.

"Whatever let's go" Jimin said dragging jungkook going towards them.

Jin looked at them and sighed making others look towards jikook coming towards them.

"Ohh look who finally showed up" taehyung said while rolling his eyes and jimin looked at them nervously while jungkook was trying to hide behind jimin.

"W-we sorry guys" Jimin said bowing little while others looked at him.

"I can guarantee that because of jungkook you are late so you are forgiven" jin said pulling jimin towards him and hugged him while jungkook looked at them disbelief.

"Wtf??!!!! How do you know it's my fault??" Jungkook asked with his big doe eyes while jin gave him tight smile.

"Bitch I practically raised you" jin said while rolling his eyes still hugging jimin but got pushed away by Yoongi who pulled jimin into a warm hug and jimin hugged back while smiling.

"Minnie you look beautiful" Taemin said smiling at jimin who pulled away from hug and looked at him. 

"Yess chim is looking Angel" taehyung said back hugging jimin who just giggled while jungkook was looking at them with pout. Jimin noticed it and went towards jungkook.

"Guys let's not waste our time and go inside" Jimin said pecking jungkook's cheeks who immediately smiled.

"Yes yes" Taemin said and all of them nodded.

"Btw where is hobi hyung?" Jimin asked looking hobi is missing.

"As you know that Mr kang gave him responsibility to arrange this party so ya he is inside looking for everything" taehyung said with pout while jimin nodded.

"Let's go inside then" jin said trying light up taehyung mood since he was sad hobi wasn't with him.

"Btw all of them are looking cool" Namjoon said while everyone smiled.

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