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Maddy woke up early the next morning to get ready for work. She had curled her hair and put it in a ponytail, put on a little bit of makeup, and changed into her blue butterfly print scrub top and black pants.

As soon as she was ready, she made herself a quick breakfast and went to Lukas' room to tell him goodbye. She couldn't leave the apartment without giving her little boy a kiss.

"I'll be back later sweetie," she whispered to his little sleeping figure before she went to the kitchen and wrote her parents a quick note.

Morning! I had to leave for work a little early. We have some big event that came up so all hands on deck.
Luke's milk is in the Mickey sippy cup and he can have one of his yogurts for breakfast. Claire should be here around 8!
Love you guys

As soon as she finished that, she grabbed her keys, coffee and headed out the door.

The drive to work was short since they lived about 10 minutes away from Med, where she parked and headed in. 

"Morning Maddy," her coworker, Gabriella, greeted her as they got into their lockers.

"Hey Gab," she smiled, grabbing her daily items out of her bag before sticking it in her locker with her purse, "What's this big event today?"

"I don't know. I just got a message last night from Blaire asking us to all come in," she shrugged as she put her stethoscope around her neck.

"I guess we'll see," she shrugged, doing the same as she grabbed an iPad and started her day.

She was checking on all of her patients in the pediatric cardiac unit before the event started downstairs.

Little did she know, it was all of the NASCAR drivers coming to visit with some patients in the hospital.

She was standing at the nurse's station when she heard the familiar voice of the man that stopped her baby from running away. She kept telling herself she was just hearing things as Gabby walked up and stood beside her.

"If my favorite driver comes up here, I'm not responsible for who I become," Gabby chuckled, putting some vitals in on her iPad.

"Who is yours?"

"Ross Chastain," she sighed, "I like the underdogs,"

"I don't know any numbers but 12 and that's only because he stopped my little guy from running away," she chuckled.

"Yeah, I saw it on your Facebook. Kinda cool," she smiled, "I didn't think you were into Nascar,"

"I'm not. Derek was. But Lukas picked it up from him and he loves it. My dad's friend got us all tickets to the street race and pit passes. So that's how I saw him," she explained before adding, "All I know is that they drive fast cars around tracks,"

"It's more than that Mad,"

"I bet it is," she nodded before going to check on one of her 15-year-old patients that had the same surgery she did years ago. "Hey Malorie,"

"Hey Maddy," she smiled a little as her favorite nurse came in.

"How you doing honey?" She asked, checking everything before she sat in the chair by the bed.

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