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Maddy had gotten everything settled in the bus and locked it up before she took Lukas and headed out of the infield and to pit road.

"Daddy!" Lukas giggled and let go of Maddy's hand as he bolted toward Ryan. Maddy didn't care that he let go since he was clearly going for Ryan.

"Hey buddy," he chuckled as he easily lifted him up before pulling out a little die-cast of his car for this race, "look what I got,"

"Mommy wook!" Lukas squealed, holding the little car that Ryan had got for him.

"What did Daddy get you?" She asked, finally reaching them.


"He got you another car?" She chuckled, knowing her 2-year-old collection was starting to grow.

"I did," he smiled, "You feeling okay?"

"You gonna ask me every time now?" She chuckled, grabbing his hand as they headed toward the driver introductions.

"Probably," he nodded.

"I'm fine babe," she nodded, "I'm all good. I took the medicine and I have the inhaler for if I start coughing,"

"Alright. I gotta head in there. You wanna come with Daddy or go with Mama?" Ryan asked, looking at Lukas. 

"I go, Daddy," Lukas beamed, getting a nod from both Ryan and Maddy.

"Alright, give Mama a kiss," he chuckled, letting the boy lean over to kiss Maddy's cheek. Ryan also gave her a quick peck after Lukas was back upright in his arms. "Get a video?"

"You know I will," she nodded and headed out to where the fans could watch.

The opening ceremonies had started and Maddy was able to get a cute video of Ryan carrying Lukas when he was introduced. Lukas was a little nervous at the sight of all the people but with a little nudge from Ryan, he was waving to everything.

They went right to pit road after and interacted with fans. Ryan signed autographs while he held Lukas, and fans commented on how cute he was.

"Who is this little guy?" an older lady asked him while he was signing her photo of him.

"My son, Lukas. Mamas around here somewhere," he chuckled, handing the photo back to her.

"He looks a lot like you," she smiled before walking off.

Ryan caught Maddy's eye and just smiled before kissing Luke's head and continuing to sign autographs.

By 2 PM, fans were cleared and the national anthem was sung. They were able to give each other one last hug and it was time for him to get in the car.

"I love you, buddy," he smiled, kissing his cheek before he handed him over to Maddy.

"Wuv you, Daddy!" Lukas smiled and waved at Ryan.

"Love you," he told Maddy, kissing her before handing over his hat and sunglasses.

"I love you too," she smiled, "Come back to me in one piece. And in victory lane,"

"I'll do my best," he nodded, kissing her one more time.

"Tell Daddy good luck!"

"Goo wuck dada!" He waved before Maddy got him on top of the pit box and she climbed up herself.

Lukas watched them go around the track the first few times and he yelled for Ryan several times.

"He's right there Bub," she chuckled, pointing as they raced by.

"Hi, dada!" He giggled, waving and yelling at Ryan as if he could hear him.

"Your kids up here yelling for you Ryan. Keeps yelling 'Hi dada! Hi, dada!'," his crew chief relayed to him.

"Tell the little guy I love him," Maddy heard him say over her scanner on the phone.

"Daddy loves you," she chuckled, kissing his little cheeks over and over again.

She watched him a little bit while Lukas watched his iPad for a while.

Ryan got 7th in stage one and stage 2 was about to start. She watched a few caution laps as she gave Lukas a snack and had a small snack herself.

The race started to get a little dicey and Maddy was biting her nails as Ryan weaved in and out where ever he could. He got caught up in a small wreck but his car wasn't bad enough to even pit so he just stayed out and kept going. That little wreck got him to 3rd place and she was hoping he could get a win. He got 2nd in that stage and Maddy was hoping with everything she had that he could pull off a win. That would get him in the final 4 for the playoffs and hopefully right to a championship.

Maddy watched the last few caution laps and on the green flag, settled in for the last hundred laps. She watched him fly by every time and by the time the white flag came out, he was in first. She watched him get through turns 1 and 2 with Bubba Wallace right on his tail. He was catching up quickly and she was hoping that Ryan could hold onto the lead for the last few turns. Bubba tried to pass him at turn 4 but Ryan was able to hold him off and cross the finish line in first.

"Yes!!!" She yelled, picking Lukas up as Ryan did his burnout in front of the crowd.

As soon as he was done with that, he got out of his car, got the flag, and handed it to a kid in the stands before he drove the car to victory lane.

When they got there, he found them and took Lukas, tossing him in the air. Lukas just laughed as Ryan caught him, put him on his hip, and gave maddy a kiss.

"Ryan what a win. How are you feeling after that?" Jamie Little asked as she came up.

"I didn't think we were going to even be here after the week we had at home. I had a backup driver and everything ready but at the last second, we were able to fly out Thursday night so to pull out a win, it feels amazing,"

"Daddy win!" Lukas laughed, looking at Ryan and then Maddy.

"He certainly did, congratulations Ryan," She smiled and headed off to talk to other drivers.

They stayed in victory lane for a while, celebrating the win until Lukas got tired and whiny.

Maddy ended up carrying her shoes back to the bus as Ryan carried Luke all the way. The little boy had fallen asleep on his shoulder so they set him in his playpen as soon as he could. Both of them got changed into pajamas and got right into bed.

"I'm so proud of you baby," she smiled, cuddling up to him as he kissed the top of her head.

"I couldn't do it without you guys,"



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