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With Maddy's symptoms, the hospital got her in a room fairly quickly. The doctor from the care center had called over and made sure they got all of the most current information to go over before testing her for everything.

Maddy was pretty exhausted still and trying to sleep but the coughing was keeping her up and getting worse. She almost wished she could just pass out again.

Ryan was trying anything he knew but every time she seemed to relax, another coughing fit would happen.

"I'm so tired of this!" Maddy snapped slightly, almost in tears before another coughing fit started.

"Come on babe, sit up a little," Ryan sighed before sitting her up a little and rubbing her back until the fit calmed down, "better?"

She nodded a little and laid back again, "can you get me another blanket?"

"Are you still cold?"

"Mhm," she mumbled, getting as far into the blankets as she could.

He checked her forehead again, sighing as she was still burning up. He got a nurse to get her another blanket before they finally tested her for everything they could. Flu and strep were both negative so all that was left waiting on was the rest for pneumonia. Even though they were sure that's what she had. After reading over her history, they also checked on her heart and luckily that was all fine for now.

The breathing treatment was ultimately what helped get her the relief to fall asleep. She finally looked comfortable, even though he knew the IV was bugging her and the shivering.  He moved the blanket away from her face slightly to make sure she was actually asleep before pulling out his phone and calling Hailey.


"Hey Hailey," he sighed, hating to call her with bad news but he also didn't want them to hear later that their daughter was in the hospital.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Maddy is getting admitted to the hospital out here. She passed out on me at the track and came down with a 103 fever and a pretty rough cough, some rough breathing. They're thinking pneumonia,"

"Did they check her heart? Do they know about that?" She asked, grabbing Jay and pulling him into the break room since they'd caught a case earlier that morning. "Jays here now too,"

"Yes, they checked. Everything heart-wise is normal. They gave her a breathing treatment about 20 minutes ago and she finally fell asleep," he told them right as Maddy coughed in the background.

"Is that her?" Jay asked, hearing it as he looked at Hailey.

"Yeah, it's pretty rough," he sighed, "But I have her, and our best friends have Luke. Pretty sure they went back to her place so Luke had all his things,"

"Alright. We just caught a case so Jay has to stay but I'll fly out tonight," she said, getting a nod from Jay immediately.

"We'll see you soon then. I'll keep you guys updated,"

"Thanks, Ryan," Hailey nodded, both of them saying their goodbyes and
hanging up the phone.

He looked back in the room before pulling up Chase's number and calling him next to let him know what was going on.

"Daddy!" Lukas yelled as soon as they answered the phone.

"Hey buddy," he chuckled, switching it to FaceTime to see the little guy.

"Unca case pay cars, Daddy!"

"Uncle Chase is playing cars with you?" He asked, chuckling as Chase appeared in the camera.

"How's Maddy?" He asked watching as Lukas ran over to Bailey to play, just as another coughing fit hit her. "Guess that answers that,"

"She's sound asleep. Just coughing. She's still burning up but she's freezing with 3 or 4 blankets on her," he sighed, "They're hopefully going to get her on some antibiotics soon. Her mom is going to fly out tonight and come stay with Luke,"

"Bailey loves him," he chuckled, "she's getting him some dinner now,"

"Maddy left some leftovers in the fridge I think if that's easier?" He told him, looking back to see Maddy awake and grabbing her phone. "Where's Luke?"


"Mads is up," he told him, walking into the hospital room. "You wanna see Luke?"

"Mhm," she nodded, trying to sit up a little bit but failing at it.

"Just lay down," he chuckled, sitting on the bed with her before kissing her head, "He's getting Luke now,"

"I miss him," she said through a few coughs.

"I know," he nodded, smiling when Luke appeared on the camera, "Mommy's okay buddy. She's just really sick and feels really icky okay?"

"Otay dada!"

"Alright, here's Mommy," he smiled, moving the phone so Lukas could see her.

"Hi, mama!"

"Hi baby," she mumbled, but smiled a little, "I miss you,"

"Wha dat?" he asked about the tubes in her nose that were helping her with breathing.

"It's to help me breathe baby," she mumbled, "Mommy's really sick baby so it's helping me. Do you remember when you were sick and had to go to the hospital?"

Lukas nodded and looked at the little car that he was playing with.

"It's like that baby," she told him, coughing again so Ryan took the phone.

"You having fun with Uncle Chase and Aunt Bailey?" He asked, patting Maddy's back.

"Dey pay ca wif me!"

"I know they do," he chuckled, "Do you like Uncle Chase or Daddy's car better?"

"Aun baiweys!" He giggled.

"You know whos coming buddy?"

"Who?" He asked, driving his little cars around the table.


"Nana!" He giggled.

"She'll be here in the morning," he nodded, looking down at Maddy who had grown heavy against him, "Mommy's sleeping,"

"I think it's time for dinner dude," Chase smiled, sitting on the floor next to him. "Tell Daddy bye so he can take care of Mommy,"

"Buh bye dada,"

"We love you, little man,"

With that, he said goodbye to Chase and hung up the phone, leaning back so he wouldn't move Maddy when she was actually sleeping. The doctor came by and got everything settled with her admission and promised it would only be a few days before she could go home. Until then, they were a package deal and Ryan wasn't leaving her side.

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