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Jay headed out for a little sleep since Ryan had come to help Maddy with Lukas. Lukas had been whining against him, and trying to get comfortable against Ryan before falling back asleep.

Ryan had had a long day and with both Maddy and Lukas sleeping, he let himself pass out as well, holding the blanket around Lukas.

Chase and Bubba showed up around 12:30 in the morning, quietly heading to the room where Ryan had told them.

Both Maddy and Ryan were sound asleep as well as the little boy on Ryan's chest. The only sound in the room was the EKG steadily beeping and the only bit of light was the monitors.

Chase and Bubba ended up going to the gift shop downstairs and grabbing a cute teddy bear, balloons, and a new blanket for Lukas before sleeping in their own motorhomes and waiting for the morning.


"High five? Yeah buddy," Maddy heard as she woke up. Ryan was already awake and so was Lukas, seeming to be a little bit better than the night before.

She just watched them for a minute before she pulled the blanket around her and beamed at how Ryan was with her baby.

"I think mommy's awake. You wanna go see her?"

"Dada!" He spoke, pointing at Ryan before cuddling up again.

"Wait a minute. What did you just say?" He asked, looking at the little boy.

"He called you dada," Maddy grinned, "Hopefully that doesn't scare you off,"

"It doesn't," he chuckled, "Just a little shocking. I love him,"

"Me too," she smiled, getting up to see her little baby.

"And I love you,"

Maddy looked at him smiling from ear to ear, "I love you too Ryan,"

They both got up and managed to get toothbrushes and toothpaste so they could at least get ready for the day.

Chase and Bubba got the balloons and little gifts, coming in as soon as visiting hours started.

"Hey guys," Ryan smiled, holding Lukas still since he wouldn't let him put him down.

"This is the little man?" Chase asked, holding his hand up for a high 5 which Lukas returned, before snuggling back against Ryan.

"Yeah, fast little man," he chuckled, "Can you give Bubba a high 5?"

Lukas nodded and lifted his head up, long enough to high 5 Bubba and lay back down.

"Maddy just ran to her locker, so she'll be back in a second,"

"We got a few things for you buddy," Chase grinned, grabbing the balloons from the hallway.

Ryan held him up and let the little boy whack at the helium-filled balloons as he finally laughed.

"We also got you this little guy," Bubba told him, holding up the teddy bear with the little blanket.

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