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Martinsville wasn't in their favor at all but luckily with winning at Vegas, Ryan was locked into the final 4.

They flew out Thursday evening and went straight to bed before having all of Friday to play in the pool and go visit a few touristy attractions. Saturday was only practice and qualifying which Maddy stayed back in the bus for so Lukas could nap. Ryan got placed in 3rd in the lineup after his lap and was back to the bus pretty quickly.

"Hey mama," he said as he came in the bus to Maddy sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

"Hey, how'd it go?" She asked as she set her phone on the arm of the couch.

"P3," He shrugged, "Where's Luke?"

"Napping," She smiled a little, "He was so cranky. Did he wake up last night?"

"Once. You didn't even move,"

"I must've been tired," she shrugged, "how long was he up?"

"Maybe an hour. I brought him out here and rocked him,"

"You know you can wake me up right?"

"I know but you looked too cute and you always get up with him. So I decided to let you sleep," he chuckled.

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"Let go of your kid's hand maybe?" He joked, earning a smack to the arm from Maddy.

"One time," she laughed before she heard Lukas start stirring in the bedroom. "You want coffee?"

"If you're making a pot. I'll get little man,"

"Sounds good," she chuckled, giving him a quick peck before they went their separate ways in the bus.

Ryan went to the bedroom, getting Lukas out of his playpen as he reached for him.

"Hey, buddy,"

"Daddy," he mumbled, snuggling up to Ryan as he carried him out.

"You wanna go see Mommy?"


"Yeah she's out here buddy," he nodded, taking him out and leaning him towards Maddy.

"Hi baby," she smiled, giving him a kiss as Ryan held him. "You want some brunch?"

"I hungy,"

"Okay. Eggs or French toast?" She asked, looking in the fridge to see what they had.

"Eggs please," Ryan told her, sitting in a recliner with the little boy, "you want your cars?"

"Wan tuffy," he whined, looking at Ryan with pleasing little eyes.

"Your lightning McQueen?" He asked, sitting him on the couch and getting it out of the bedroom. "Here bud,"

"Daddy wace?" He asked, hugging his stuffy close as Ryan picked him back up.

"Yeah. Tomorrow buddy, but today, we're gonna see uncle chase and Aunt Bailey. They're gonna come over and play with you so mommy and daddy can have a date night," he told the little boy as he took him to the dinette.

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