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"No, Derek. The car is done and I can't drive it but I can't sell it or trade it without the title...I really don't care that I'm the last person you want to hear from. Just send me the title so I can get a new car," she sighed, pacing in the other room so she wouldn't wake Ryan or Lukas up.

Ryan heard her and got out of bed, checking on Lukas who was sound asleep, before he went out and started the coffee.

"Okay fine. I'll just get something new and the Tahoe will just sit in my driveway and rot. Thanks a lot, you piece of shit," she sighed as she hung up and threw her phone on the couch.


"Did I wake you up?" She asked, turning around to look at him.

"No," he shook his head, "He not giving you the title?"

"No," she shook her head this time, "So now I'm gonna have to borrow your car all the time,"

"You're welcome to it," he nodded, kissing her head as she calmed down a bit. "I know you're over this,"

"I'm passed over it," she sighed, "I just wish that I never had to deal with him again,"

"I know and that day will come soon enough. Just hold on a little bit longer,"

"Thank you," She nodded, hugging him tightly before going to get Luke.

Ryan knew what he could do. With him driving a Ford for Team Penske, he got a pretty good discount along with getting a new car all the time.

If they were to get married, and Ryan was pretty sure they would, Maddy was going to need to get a Ford.

He looked around for her and realized she was still with Lukas in their room before he got online, looking at the dealership that he always went to.

The closest thing to her Tahoe was either the Expedition or the Explorer. If they wanted any more kids, he wanted to get her the biggest one that he could.

He looked through the colors and he looked through the features until he found the perfect one for her.

It was a bluish-green color, and it had all the bells and whistles that she wanted in her Tahoe but didn't have. It was 2023 and she wouldn't have to worry about maintenance issues with the warranty that they would have.

When Maddy headed out on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment with Lukas in Ryan's car, he had Chase come to pick him up and take him over to the dealership

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When Maddy headed out on Tuesday for a doctor's appointment with Lukas in Ryan's car, he had Chase come to pick him up and take him over to the dealership.

It wasn't a long time as they were used to Ryan and had everything already settled. He took the car home after a little bit of signing papers and making sure it was also in Maddy's name.

He made sure to back it into the garage and shut the door since that's the way that Maddy usually came in with Luke.

As soon as she came home, she parked his car in the driveway and opened the garage to see the huge car.

"Babe?" She called as soon as she got in the house and gave Luke one of his little cars. "Go play honey,"

"Downstairs Mad!" He called up before he was heading up the steps, "Be right there!"

She waited until he came up and as soon as he was in sight, just gave him a questioning look.

"What?" He asked, acting as if he knew nothing about the car in the garage.

"Something in the garage? That you wanna tell me?"

"No," he shrugged, even though she could tell he was definitely playing games with her.


"It just got here,"


"It's for you," he chuckled, "I went and picked it up when you took Luke to his appointment,"

"How'd you get there when I had your car?" She challenged, waiting for him to give her a smart-ass answer.

"Aliens took me," he joked, pulling her close to him, "I had Chase come pick me up,"

"You didn't have to do this for me,"

"Maddy let's get real here. We're going to eventually get married, so you were going to get a Ford one way or another. I can provide that for you and I wanted something that we could grow into so I got you the biggest one I could," he explained, still holding onto her.

Maddy was honestly a little stunned by it. Derek had never given much thought to anything like Ryan did. She had to constantly nag Derek if she needed something. When she was pregnant with Lukas, she still had her car that she got when she was 16 and it just wasn't working. She wanted something safer and it was a huge fight before they went to get a new car, which was the Tahoe.

"You really didn't have to. I could save up and get my own. I can afford it," she told him, feeling like she needed to pay him back for this.

"No honey. What's the difference if I get you the car now when I'm pretty damn sure that I'm gonna marry you, rather than waiting until we are married,"

"I don't know," she sighed a little, "I'm just. I'm just not used to this. He didn't do anything for me unless I asked him directly,"

"Well I'm not him Maddy," he promised, "I'm not the man that will leave you if you need me. Unless you pass out on me right before a race,"

"I should slap you for that one," she laughed, "Thank you,"

"I love you," he grinned, kissing her before Luke came in, holding his arms up for Ryan, "Hey little man,"

"Dada I gah pookys," Lukas told him as he pointed at the bandaids on his little thighs.

"Should we go get some ice cream in Mama's new car?" He asked, sitting the little boy on the counter.

"Yeah!" Lukas nodded, always willing to go and get ice cream no matter the circumstances.

"Alright let's go then," he chuckled.

They all went out and piled into Maddy's new car, taking it out for the first spin as a little family.

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