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Ryan had gone back to work that next Saturday after spending the whole week in Chicago. Lukas had gotten extremely clingy to him when he left, and Maddy had to practically peel him off of Ryan.

It had taken Maddy almost an hour to get Lukas to bed and now at 1 AM, she was woken up by Lukas on his baby monitor.

"Dada! Dada! Dada!" Lukas sobbed, for the 3rd time that night.

Maddy got up and went into his room, snuggling her crying baby again.

"I know baby. I miss him too," She sighed, sitting in the rocking chair and trying once again to rock Lukas to sleep.

She gave up around 2 and even though he was probably sleeping. He was an hour ahead in South Carolina but she needed to sleep and needed Lukas to sleep.

"Come on Ryan," she mumbled, calling him a few times until she finally got his sleepy voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" He mumbled, sounding like his face was stuck in the pillow.

"Sorry babe. Luke wants you, figured he might sleep if you talk to him?" She asked, holding back a yawn as she put the phone on speaker.

"Luke. What's going on buddy?" Ryan asked, still sounding half asleep as Lukas just cried more.

"Daddy!" He sobbed, holding onto Maddy as tightly as he could.

"Buddy I miss you too," he sighed, sitting up a little as he and Maddy both tried to calm the boy down.

"Lukey. Come on baby," Maddy sighed as well, holding Luke as closely as she could.

"Mad, I'm pretty sure you stole one of my shirts. Give him that?"

"If this works, I'll love you forever," she said as she got up and took Lukas to her room.

"You already do,"

"I do," she nodded, as she grabbed the shirt from her dresser and changed Luke into it.

She didn't bother taking him back to his room, just laid in her bed with him. Lukas finally started to calm down as he was swallowed in the t-shirt and snuggled against Maddy.

Ryan waited until it sounded like Lukas fully calmed down before speaking again.

"He down?" He whispered but got no response from either, "Maddy? You awake?"

When he got no answer from either, he knew they both passed out again. He put his phone on the charger and the phone on speaker before he went back to sleep.


Maddy woke up to the sound of Ryan moving on the other side of the line.

"Morning," she mumbled, carefully getting up so she wouldn't wake like up.

"Hey babe. Sleep better?"

"Mhm," she nodded, "I'm sorry I called you so late,"

"That's alright," he said as he pulled up the copy of her shift schedule. "I'm gonna send the plane to you. You're coming with me this weekend. The whole family,"

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