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After Lukas woke up from his nap, they both decided to get Luke ready for an afternoon at the beach.  They had a little downtime with getting there a day early so they were going to make the best of it.

"Will you get him changed?" She asked him, handing him a swim diaper and Luke's little swim trunks.

"I will," he nodded, taking the little one's stuff and getting him changed.

It took a minute to convince the little boy to change his clothes again but once he found out they were going to the beach, he was all in for it.

Maddy packed the sunscreen and the snacks before they all got into the Bronco that was now a staple at every track and headed for the beach 10 minutes away.

As soon as they got out and picked a spot, Maddy grabbed the sunscreen and started to apply it to Lukas' face.

"Mama no!" He whined, moving all over the place so it was harder for Maddy.

"Lukas Hayden, stop this," she sighed, finally getting it on his face enough so she wouldn't have to rub it in more.

"Mama wawa!" He giggled, flipping a full 180 as Ryan picked him up and ran for the water.

Maddy just laughed and walked behind them, all 3 of them getting in the cold water.

Ryan set Lukas down where it was just up to his belly and Ryan could easily pick him up when a wave came through.

"Look at mommy bud!" He chuckled as Maddy was trying to get a picture of him with Ryan on the beach.

"Hi, Mommy!" He laughed, squealing as another wave came through.

Maddy snapped the photo at the perfect time, getting the biggest smile out of her little boy.

They spent all afternoon at the beach before they came home and made burgers on the portable grill. Bailey, Chase, Bubba, and Amanda came over and ate with them before the boys played in the wading pool with Lukas and all 3 of the girls went inside the air-conditioned bus.

"Looks like you're sticking around huh?" Amanda smiled a little, thanking Maddy as she got her a water bottle from the fridge.

"I'm planning to," she nodded, sitting next to Bailey in the dinette area.

"He's been smiling a lot more according to Bubba," she chuckled.

"Chase said the same," Bailey nodded, "you're good for him,"

"He's good for me too. My ex-husband was cheating for at least 6 months and now since the divorce is finalized and he relinquished custody of our son, he married his side piece," she explained, sighing a little bit.

"Okay that's just wrong," Amanda said as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah. I was super thrilled to get that letter," she sighed, "but hey. It worked out for the better. Ryan's been amazing to us. He stayed when Luke was sick, he came right out when Luke had RSV, and he was almost going to miss Vegas because of my pneumonia,"

The door opened and Luke came in crying, followed by Ryan as they came to Maddy.

"What happened?" She asked, hugging her baby tightly as he cried into her.

"He fell and skinned his knee," Ryan told her as he grabbed the bandaid and the Neosporin. "He was chasing Bubba and tripped over a hole or something,"

"It's okay buddy. It happens. Go with Daddy honey. Go get it cleaned up," she told him, directing Luke to where Ryan was in the bathroom.

Ryan sat him on the counter and easily made the boy laugh which was music to her ears.

He soon came out with the little bandaids on his knees and him

"All fixed up mama," Ryan said as they walked out of the room.

"Go play, honey. Go get Bubba and push him in the pool," she chuckled, kissing Luke's head before he and Ryan headed out the door.

"He's so good with him," Bailey smiled at her.

"Yeah he is," she nodded, smiling as she sat back in the seat.  "I really think he was meant to be a dad. Lukas started calling him Dada when he had RSV. He got up with him a few times so I would sleep,"

"That was how long into your relationship?" Amanda asked, taking a sip of her water.

"Like 2 months. Lukas just latched onto him, like he'd been there his whole life,"


They all hung around until 9 and Lukas was starting to get cranky so everyone headed back to their busses.

"You wanna put him down or me?"

"Little man. Mommy or daddy tonight?"

"Daddy!" He said as he held onto Ryan's shirt, and he clearly wasn't going to let go.

"Okay. Okay," he nodded, taking him to the recliner and rocking him for only 5 minutes before the little guy was heavy against him. "He's out,"

"That was fast,"

"I'm gonna go put him down," he smiled, kissing her before he disappeared into their bedroom to put Lukas to bed.

She put the TV on for a bit and Ryan came out to watch with her but when he noticed her falling asleep against him. 

"Hey, you tired?" He asked as he looked away from the movie they were watching.

"Nope," she yawned, rubbing her eyes as she looked back at the TV.

"Alright. Let's see how long you last," he chuckled, letting her lean back against him again. The next time he looked down, she was sound asleep. "Alright. Let's go. Time for bed,"

"Hmm?" She mumbled, waking up a little bit again as he shook her.

"Come on Mads. You just fell asleep on me, it's time for bed," he told her, getting her up and walking to the bedroom with her.

Maddy collapsed right into bed and barely tried to get herself under the covers before she was out like a light.

Ryan chuckled and checked on Lukas again before he got in bed and easily fell asleep as well.

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