Chapter 38- Lose Control

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Sometimes I feel like I am drowning and running out of air while I am just living my life. Each room I walk into, every corner that I turn, and every face I walk past, makes me feel pressure on my chest.

When I look at Carter or Hector, I feel as though I am falling down a rabbit hole. There are many different scenarios that could happen in the future with those two and I can't figure them out.

The ocean is a huge place, it covers the entire world. Falling off of the edge of the earth is impossible, but it feels real. It feels like I do it every night before I shut my eyes to sleep.

Carter holds me at night, he doesn't let go of me once. If he turns in his sleep, he brings me with him. When he gets up in the morning, he is there when I wake up. Waiting for me to rise up for the day.

He always tells me how good I am to him and to the people in my life. I don't think I am good to people, I destroy people's lives.

When I lose control of my dreams, I feel fear and desperation when I picture Carter or Soran. They look haunted in their eyes staring at me with hurt across their faces. The entity hasn't been around too much lately, I have only had two nightmares in the last week.

"I need your love, I need your time," I hear from the motel shower.

His voice drowns out the water running, "when everything's wrong."


It's it, not things...

"I feeeeel sooo highhhhh," he is now mimicking an opera singer. This boy can do a lot of things, but singing is not one of them.

The door opens and Hector walks in with coffees and churros. I happily take a coffee from him and chug at least half of it. Coffee is God's apology for letting me listen to that vile thing in the shower.

Hector doesn't seem to mind the screeching going on, so he takes a seat on the pull-out and closes his eyes. His hands cross over his stomach and latch onto one another.

The shower turns off and I hear Carter mutter something, he probably slipped. The thought of him slipping, makes me giggle. He is such a clutz.

"Before we get going to the reserve, we need to talk about the dangers we might face when we go there," Hector says when Carter walks into the room.

His bare torso is damped with water droplets and his hair is plastered against his forehead. The towel sits loosely on his hips, his V-line making nothing imaginable.

What a little slut?

Carter notices this and winks at me. Heat travels to my cheeks and I look away smiling trying to listen to Hector.

He rolls his eyes, "it is about a twenty-minute drive from here to the hotel. Ince we get to the hotel, we have to walk about ten minutes to the tunnels."

We have to park the car at a hotel because there is no parking near the tunnels. If we do park, it will most likely lead to the car being stolen or towed somewhere.

The tunnels will lead us to a cave under the hotel. Montezuma is a Mexican hotel chain and is also the name of the person who gave Queen Lilioukalani the treasure in the first place.

"There will be people hiking, smoking weed, doing illegal things such as us." Carter finishes putting on his clothes, "can I smoke down there?"

We both look at him, "no."

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